To Whom Shall We Go?

Event Date

Nov 25, 2017


6 emerged from a triptophan haze to start working off the extra calories.  Suicides were run.  Blocks were lifted.  Monday Murph was mentioned.  Sweat angels were made.  Good times at the SVU AO…went down a little like this…

FNG-1 = Shredder, I'll highlight the link to him.

Warm Up:
20x SSH
20x mountain climbers
15x copperhead squats
15x windmills
15x merkins
20x dippy birds (10 per side)
10x 20' side-to-side slides

The Thing:
Head back to snag a block for each person.
MONDAY MURPH REMINDER: 5 pullups / 10 merkins / 15 squats
Head back to the front with your block overhead as far as you can

15x trifectas
3-line suicides
*** Qfail on giving clear instructions.
repeato 3-line suicides
low country crabs until everyone arrives and then 15x LCC's

Partner up.  10 block twisty hand-offs left, 10 block twisty hand-offs right.
Wheel barrow up, mosey back.  Flip flop.
15x trifectas

*** YHC hears some comments (from Shredder maybe) about hating the running backwards up the hill thing…muahahaha…YHC smiles knowing what is coming.

monkey drill suicides left
monkey drill suicides right
12x trifectas

Mosey up the hill regular
partner merkin slaps
mosey to the quadraphilia hill
***seriously, this was part of the plan all along
8 laps around the teardrop and quadraphilia up
indian run back to the AO

12x trifectas
10x double-alternating lunges (fwd right, fwd left, bkwd right, bkwd left)

Return blocks, overhead as far as you can.
MONDAY MURPH REMINDER: 5 pullups / 10 merkins / 15 squats
Mosey back to the front

20x LBC
15x low flutters
15x low dollys
20x single leg glute bridges (10 per glute)
60sec 'merican hammer

Reflection: John 6:66-69
From this time many of his disciples [from the crowd] turned back and no longer followed him.  “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.  Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
– This was right after Jesus physically fed the crowd of 5000+ with a few fish and loaves of bread
– Jesus gave some challenging parallels of eating his flesh and drinking his blood; baptism references, and these were tough concepts to understand.  Many of the crowd just left when the walk changed from "getting fed" to "consuming his words and living a sacrificial life".
– Paul's response gives a true understanding…when you know Christ gives eternal life, where else would you turn for guidance and life?
– where are you in your walk?  getting fed or consuming/living in Christ?

– lots of chatter about Thanksgiving travel and food…felt good to get the muscles moving to burn through those extra calories.
– T-claps to Shredder for sticking with it and fighting through those first few workouts…as GW said, the 2nd workout is the hardest.  3rd, 4th, and so on aren't really any easier…I think we all just get a little tougher and start expecting more…that seems like a good thing.
– Fun to have GW's pooch 2.0 Dakota with us.  He must have thought we were nuts a few times.  He braved the chilliness like a boss.
– T-claps to Skipper for re-finding the flag.  Didn't get the whole story, wasn't really ever lost, but I think Vortex played some hide and seek with it.
– Go get yourself some leftover turkey men, you've earned it.

Always an honor to lead you guys,