Today at Banger; the cockmaster went down on a manhole (NSFW?)

I can’t believe I just typed that backblast title, but here we are.  AND HERE YOU ARE, READING IT.  You’re sick, you know that?

OKAY so this requires some explaining… 

Apparently Frogger takes great pride in being the Isotope cockmaster (current holder of 2, maybe all 3, of the phallus-related Strava segments).  For the record, these are real things… “The Cock” is the Huntersville Business Park (incl. the balls; Vanstory), “THE Phallus” is the outer ring of Stonegate Farms, and supposedly there’s one more I’m not familiar with?  Regardless, Frogger currently holds the Local Legend title for both of the segments detailed above, plus maybe this mystery third.  He’s also the inventory of C2C, cock-to-cock, the route that runs both of those two segments and connects them in one ~10-12 mile run.  Doesn’t matter, holding both makes you the “cockmaster”.

For what it’s worth, I feel dirty typing that word, do you feel dirty reading it?

Back to story time.  Well, today’s run began with Frogger sharing his achievement, as he very recently spent some time regaining the local legend status on The Cock (business park) as we began our bangs.  Not 2 minutes later, we had our first 4Banger wipe out, as Frogger took a serious tumble on the manhole cover on the greenway (he’s fine).  Immediately queue Fenway (and in fairness, pretty much everyone) chirping up with variations of this BB title.

I take no joy in reporting this to you Isotope.  But someone needs to dethrone this man.  Or at least tell him there are titles you DO NOT WANT to hold in this life, and cockmaster may be one of them?

By the way… if you made it this far, just know that you can’t un-read a backblast.  Cobains.