Today We Had a STAT Workout

Event Date

Jan 18, 2022

Four fine fellows came together this morning for a #Gladiator Tuesday game of “don’t break your neck.” (Soprano, Toxic, Amen, Turncoat= STAT)

The Thang:
Gather your block and head to COP
SSH x 50 (Toxic bailed at 15 so we cut it short)
10 Burpees
Slow Squat
10 Burpees
Mountain Climber
Dying Cockroach
10 Burpees
Full Curl
Bear crawl to far median and ginger-jog to the school
People’s Chair w/ air press
Rocky Balboa
Decline Mtn. Climber
People’s Chair w/ air press
Muhammad Ali
Mosey back to the blocks
Overhead press
Block Squat
10 Burpees
Partner 1: block push to the median and back 
Partner 2: LBCs
Partner 1: 25 block ‘Mericans (one block under each hand)
Partner 2: WWII @ 25
10 Burpees
Slow squat w/ blocks
8-count body builder
Partner 1: block push to the median and back 
Partner 2: Alternating LBCs
Partner 1: 25 block ‘Mericans (one block under each hand)
Partner 2: Dot the I @ 25
Return the blocks and return for COT.  No time for MARY today, though we got some along the way. 
The Skinny:
1. Fact: Toxic only did 25% of all exercises today.  He said something about being weak and a little afraid of the dark.  The others weren’t listening. They were grinding it out and singing “God Bless America” a capella.  It was lovely and inspiring.  (Except for the whole Toxic thing.)
2. Turncoat moseyed in for extra credit from home, dodging black ice and snow drifts along the way.  He accepted a ride home at the end. He’s no dummy.
3. Amen intentionally timed his arrival to miss the SSH that he knew were coming.  To his credit, he powered through and completed way more than Toxic.  
4. The block push is a new favorite. We’ll be doing more of those.
5. We reminisced about the days of Travolta forcing us to constantly be moving and then throwing on the Blast-off ‘Mericans.  Good times.
6. Wondering when we’ll see Carpet Bagger in the gloom.  Soon, no doubt.  Though probably not in the ice.  
7. Once again arrived home (yes, for a hot breakfast) and was waxing about what a great way that morning workout is to start the day.  
8.  Thanks for posting, Gents. See you tomorrow.