Today’s Greatest Hits Brought to you by Ronco

9 came out to see what stupid things YHC had planned for the days workout. It went something like this.

Mosey around the whoville tree to the Shovel Flag for the Pledge of Allegiance


Slow Windmill

Split Leg Windmill R&L


Toy Soldier

Mosey to the corner for the start of the mini tour of the AO

20 burpees 

Run to Queens Corner

20 Rocky Balboa IC (YHC messed up and kind of did a hybrid RB/Step up combo – it was odd, and the Pax agreed)

Quadraphellia to the rock pile

Grab a rock to be proud of for 20 Curls IC

Mosey to the pain clock for Bear Crawl/Crab Walk combos

Bear crawl from 12 to 3

Crab walk from 3 to 6

Crawl bear from 6 to 9

Walk crab from 9 to 12

Run a lap to recover

Back to the rock pile for 20 Shoulder Press IC

Mosey to QC for 20 Freddie Mercury IC

Mosey to the corner for 20 slow squats IC and held the last one for a minute

Mosey to the cul de sac for the Merican Time Bomb with a twist – start at 1 and go up to 5 and back to 1

Mosey to the slick basketball court for Mobility Mary

Amen called J-Lo

Runners Pose

Downward Dog

Pigeon R&L

Spinal pull R&L

Recover Recover


Happy Gilmore & Homeboy had never been to the Wilderness before. I hope it was all they thought it would be. I look forward to you coming back.

The Force pulled in just before TG, showing that both former MQ's arrive on their own time, and that's how it is.

Toxic was Toxic dropping some TWSS, form critique, cadence discussion, and general mayhem.

Amen was strangely quiet today, must be off the Cream Dr. P. Keep it up its working.

Crocs was still tired from Night Ranger, yet ran faster than anyone else as usual – all while seeming to mosey.

Soprano crushed the burpees and all other exercises and generally remained at the front of the Pax all day. 

Keep Christy and her family, Dayna and her family, and Frogger and his wife, in your prayers. Until next time.