Tommy Lee Ran the Show

10 of us took advantage of maybe the last time we will see the weather in the high 50s or low 60s for a couple of months and did a little running. It was funnish.

Tommy Lee was not only in the lead, but he was leading our direction as well.

We ran to Governor's Island and then did the Covington loop for a total of 5 miles. 

Not sure what was talked about, because I was so far behind. I did get some good coaching from TL.

FNG-1 is Click-bait. Apparently Click-bait was talking about fajitas. Someone else will have to chime in on how that went. 

Fabio said running without Mater is like not putting a mater on a sandwich. 

Crabby and Strudel ended up in a different time zone because they started out so fast. Good conversation I guess. 

Dandelion and Fabio kept circling back for YHC not matter how many times I told them not to. 


