Too Cold To Hold

Event Date

Feb 10, 2017

Some lonely strong men slipped from the green fog of their fart sacks to put sweat to iron this frigid morning. This is what they did:


Arm CIrcles/Huggers/Cotton Pickers/Windmills/Deep Squat Hold (Fight the Snoop!)/Runners Stretch

The Thang:

Unless noted otherwise, everything was a blasted 10 IC count. 

Thrusters – because we hate them 

Over/Under Lunge – new one for us – Allen Iversons with a kettle bell? Lunge position, keep feet planted and pass the bell over and under the extended leg. Switch legs and repeato!

Cannon Ball Merkins – Merkin position with right hand on bell. 10 IC and switch to left hand on bell. Mucho grunting from Q!

3 Way Cannon Ball Presses – press with right arm, down to chest to press with both arms, press with left arm, press again with left arm and work back to right arm. Feel the swell brothers.

Lawn Mowers – Mustang style – (It means we do it ourselves instead of hiring someone)

Goblet Curls for the Girlz in our world – wives and daughters – 4 count of 7/7/7

American Swings

Figure 8 swings

Kettle Touch Merkins – Freaking OUCH! Bell between the feet in Merkin position, do Merkin, right hand stays planted, reach back and touch bell with left hand, repeat Merkin, touch bell with right hand. This wasn't supposed to be ab work.

Goblett Presses 15 IC

Suitcase Swings

Cannon Bell Curls 7/7/7

Squats to High Pulls


Alternating Swings

Sidewinders – new to crew – both hands on handle, swing up to left shoulder with left elbow higher than shoulder, swing down straightening arms and up to right shoulder. Going to feel that one.



1 Kings 19: 11-12

 11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lordbut the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lordwas not in the earthquake:

 12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

Lots of brothers try and find happiness in places they ought not. As husbands, sons, fathers, and brothers we need to seek guidance form the Lord in the quiet places. We need to take moments and seperate ourselves from the noise and hasstle of the world in order to seek inspiration to lead. Thankful for F3 and the quiet ride home after the beatdowns to be forced to be humble and listen as we ride home.


Confession: Q was happy to sit in car and drive away if no one showed. Wait a minute! This ain't no church! I ain't confessin' to nuthin!

FNG Mo-Pain showed up with 2 minutes to spare! Forced a great workout! He powered through a head cold and cough and sore throat to be there. 

Q used a bell provided by @Clark. Q tempted to give him credit for the workout. 

Better late than never Hefty joined Pax as warm-ups were wrapping up.

He probably didn't know it but Mo-Pain had a layer of ice on his shoulders when we were done.

No one tried to lick their kettle bells to see if their tongues would stick. Still proud at the restraint of the Pax.

Driving away from the workout, Q thought that maybe he didn't push enough. Now that the Q is thawing out he is satisied that the beating was sufficient as typing is becoming increasingly more difficult. 

It was an honor men!