Too hot to be on Turf

Event Date

Jun 15, 2024

YHC was a little late as he decided to join the Ruckers this morning on their morning stroll through Huntersville and ended up having to run/ ruck back to the AO in order to start. Luckily Frogger and Rooter were waiting for me and The Force decided to roll up a little late. 


I grabbed my cones and headed out to the soccer fields to do a little summer conditioning 

the cones were set out as follows : 


I                      I                       I                         I

I                       I                       I                       I 

I                        I                       I                     I 


I                          I                    I                     I 


Pax started out with a lunge | sprint pyramid lunging to the first set of cones and then sprinting the second section. 

Pax would continue on by lunging to the second set and sprinting the rest and continue until we were lunging to the last cone. 

Pax would then run to the first cone. do 1 burpee and run back

Pax would then run to the second con do 2 burpees and run back. 

Run to the last cone and do three burpees 

Rest 10 seconds. 

YHC would continue with some other cone work that involved side steps jump squats, getups. 

Lastly we would circle up for some 10 minutes of ABS: 

Moleskin: The force used on of our breaks to explain how his son was approached by both a guy and a girl. Frogger and 98 would banter back and forth on why 98 hasnt been seen in months. 


Prayer circle: Pray for The Forces Mom and Elmer’s Mom as the force’s mom preps for more rounds of Chemo. Elmers mom is being moved to an assisted living home.