Too Much Running at Ludicrous Speed (Really – it was too much): A memoir from The Force

YHC (The Force – Landshark's admin) signed up to Q Ludicrous Speed Monday night as it was open on the calendar.  Texted MQ (BEP)  Tues to let him know and YHC was REJECTED.  Swatted into the 3rd row of the stands!  Apparently a side convo had already taken place and Landshark (seeking a password reset to revitalize his relationship with the website) had already agreed to Q.  BEP (who is a self-proclaimed "shadow MQ") claimed to not have access to the website or calendar despite having gotten me on it about 8.5 years ago.  Next thing I know, I'm getting email updates from F3comz thanking me for signing up for Ludicrous NEXT week.  Sneaky smooth, BEP.  Sneaky smooth.

So 8 pax in total emerged in the gloom – 6 to join the Q and the step-Q (that's me).  There was brief parking lot banter followed by a short mosey to the track.

Warm-o-rama:  Side Straddle Hop x 1.  Yep, just 1.  Not sure if it was single count or in cadence, though…

The we started what seemed to be an awfully fast "warm-up mile".  4 laps at a pace far above what the pax felt was appropriate.  Landshark seemed to be in a hurry.  Then we found out why.

During the 1st lap, the Q announced we'd run this schedule:

200 meters (YHC would soon learn this is a half lap)

400 meters

600 meters

800 meters

1000 meters

1200 meters

All the above had a 200 meter walk followed by a pain station.  The pain station was 20 merkins followed by 10 WWII sit-ups (or if you're YHC, the Jackknife LBC do to the #50ForFitness 2022 Challenge).

So the goal was set and off we went.  The 27 degree air somehow reverse-burned our faces and lungs, and some of us could not feel our toes after a few laps (probably because we were running THAT fast).

No Mary at the end (Mary was throughout.

The Ludicrous Moleskine:

Not only did BEP not use the website to assign Landshark the Q until after YHC signed up, then assign YHC the following week, BEP then told YHC "see you there", then fartsacked. But to give him the MQ credit he fully deserves, he did managed to get a #PB out to all of F3LKN at 9:59pm (a full 30 minutes ahead of Rodeo's #PB for Hollywood, which actually never got retweeted b/c he did it wrong).  So in summary, nice work, MQ.

Turnpike was almost always a half lap or more ahead of us all, no matter how far or how fast we tried to run.  Goodness.  He did come back to check on us each round though.  Even allowed Shark and YHC to lead a quarter lap once.  We assume he started that lap going the wrong way, then self-corrected.

Mumblechatter was strong for the first warm-up lap, then at times during the 200M walks.  Otherwise it was just impossible to talk (yeah – even for YHC).

Snake Eyes continues to run stronger and stronger.  We're EHing him to sign up for the Huntersville Half.  Please join us in this initiative.  I have SC'ed to BEP and others over beers and bourbon, but am leaning more and more toward an HC.  Would be awesome to be out on the course with 1st timers like Snake Eyes and Blackbeard.

Tammy Faye was detered after his 1st post at Ludicrous Speed – no, he posted again with just as much enthusiasm and it was just as cold and painful.  Hopefully if he becomes a regular at this AO he'll be a good influence on this pax and not the other way around…

9-Lives and Calypso both run Ludicrous like it's a nice day on the trails around Latta or Jetton.  They ust get it done and make it look and sound easy.  Never hear them out of breath or complaining.  Although Calypso (and TBone) did audible out of the Mary exercises with squats in preparation for the CSAUP event coming up out West next week.

TBone's confidence was strong from the beginning today as he bantered about YHC's "yoga pants" or "tights".  Yes, they're warm, supportive, real and spectacular.  I bet they looked that way from where he was the rest of the morning, too (somewhere behind me – not sure where).  But I'll give him this:  He's a believer in the BB again and as he knows – that means the world to YHC.

YHC did all YHC could to keep up with Landshark during each round.  Brutal pace but now that it's over YHC can say YHC's glad Shark pushed us this morning.

There it is.  The 2nd BB in a row from Ludicrous.  The Force is OUT.
