Top deck easy breezy

Tomorrow is YHC birthday, and I took up The Force's offer to celebrate by leading the Cauldron.  It was a beautiful 72 degrees and we took advantage of the cool wind up on top of the deck.

Mosey up the stairs to the top.

Warm up

Wait for about half of the pax to wander VERY slowly up the stairs.

  • Windmills x10 IC
  • IST x10 IC

The Thang

  • 20x Curls IC
  • 10x clean each arm
  • 10x skull crusher IC
  • 10x clean and press (or jerk)
  • 10x kettlebell swings


Too much talking from Ponch, Titan and Blackbeard, Run down the ramp to the north pole sign and back up.

One more time. 

  • 10x Curls IC
  • 10x clean each arm
  • 10x skull crusher IC
  • 10x clean and press (or jerk)
  • 10x kettlebell swings

Partner up-

  • Partner 1, farmer carry both kettle bells down the ramp
  • Partner 2, 20 squats, run to catch partner.
  • Switch and repoeat to bottom of garage


  • Partner 1, Farmer carry both kettle bells up
  • Partner 2, 20 Merkins, run to catch partner.
  • Switch and repeat to top of garage

Down to the grass for 5 minutes of Mary. we did 4 or 5 exercises led by Pax, great job men. Not as much mumblechatter from the group as expected. I truly love leading these and coffee at Lowes was great!


