Top Then Bottom

Event Date

Aug 24, 2024

Even with it being F3 Dads Camp weekend, we still pulled in 7 PAX!

C#, Mater, Cornholio, Diesel, Dirt, Spork, and Handsome Rob!  Awesome crew.

C# and Mater agree to split the Q.  So we don’t do the same things, Mater will work out the top (arms) and C# will do the lower (legs).

Mater warms us up with:
SSH, Toy Soldiers, IST, Mountain Climbers, and a couple other things I forgot.

Then has us mosey to the blocks to get our feet slightly wet while we grab a block, then back up to the front of the gym.  Here Mater smoked our arms with something like this:
10 IC curls, 10 merkins
10 IC skill crushers, 10 Incline merkins
10 IC block press, 10 decline merkins
Repeat about three times.  Whew!

Return the blocks, then hit the “down under” pull up bar for:
10 regular down unders
10 palms facing each other
10 palms facing yourself

mosey back to launch pad for C#’s turn

We mosey to near the new tennis courts, select a medium rock. 
Line up on first hill line. 
Put rock down, sprint full speed to the top.  Walk back down.
Pick up rock, quadrafeelya up the hill, mosey down.

Strange, a couple people park on the second row, so everyone follows suit.  No one was parked in the first row.  So we line up at one end with rock.
Mosey out 3 spaces, drop rock, mosey back.
mosey out to rock, advance it 3 spaces, mosey back,
repeat to the end.
Reverse same process coming back.  

Bring rocks, head to tennis courts
With rock, we mosey across, each 1/4 line stop for 5 squats.
Then lunge walk half way back, finish with 2 squats at every line (about 8 lines).
Then to the near by benches, leave rocks, 10 step ups each leg.
back to tennis court, find a spot on the fence to hold on for balance while we do 10 OYO one leg squats, switch and repeat.
Return rocks, but not done yet.  Back to the original hill line.
Butt kickers up hill to first line, mosey back
High Knees up hill to first line, mosey back
side shuffle up hill to first line, mosey back
other side up hill to first line, mosey back

10 LBC
5 low flutters
5 low dolly
5 box cutter
5 horizontal box cutters
5 Jane Fonda’s on each side
10 LBC

Matthew 5:10

10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Being a Christian does not make life easier, if anything more difficult.  But we have a Joy unknown to those without Jesus.  Keep your eyes on the prize of eternity in heaven with the Lord!
