Total Eclipse of the Heart at Arnies Army

Not on the website yet:  Vinegar and my 11 year old (Watson)


quick lap around the lot


10 Carrot pullers IC

5 Merkins IC

1 Burpee

The Thang:

Partner one broad jump burpees

Partner 2 does a lap and then catches up to him

Flapjack till all the way around the circle

Stay in the parking lot:

Partner 1 does 15 Merkins and 15 dips and runs a lap

Partner 2 runs over to pull up bars and does 10 pull ups (or as many as you can)

Meet back at starting point


Repeat 3 rounds

to the soccer field

Line up

Sprint to other side

20 mountain climbers

Sprint back

5 burpees

Sprint back

20 WWII Sit ups

Sprint back

10 Hand release merkins

Repeat 2 rounds

Back over to parking lot:

Partner 1 Broad Jump Squats around parking lot

Partner 2 runs lap to catch him

Flapjack till all the way around circle

to the soccer field

Line up

Sprint to other side

20 mountain climbers

Sprint back

5 burpees

Sprint back

20 WWII Sit ups

Sprint back

10 Hand release merkins

Over to the curb in the parking lot

12 rocky balboas IC

3 burpees

15 Rocky balboas IC

5 burpees

18 Rocky Balboas IC

7 burpees


10 Crunchy Frog IC (For Stromboli in attendance, who named me!)

10 Pretzel Crunch IC each side

Recover Recover


  • Enjoyed coming out to Arnies Army today where I first started, thanks to Burgoo and Schnieder
  • I need to change up the routine sometimes and Auto pushed me to get over there, so thanks man, will be back again soon
  • I felt i heard a lot of grumbling out there, but was focused on keeping everyone moving and sweating, so didn't listen to much. 
  • Thank you all for coming out today, hope you got your money's worth and sweat out any vices from the weekend.  for me, it was Pizza, ribs, beer and my steak n shake order on Saturday:  Chili, Cheese Fries, double bacon cheeseburger…so i have to go 5 in a row this week!
  • Step up and take some Q's out there, the Master Q's need you

Bam bam