Totally Original (not stolen from The Force) Beatdown!

8 PAX escaped their fartsacks, paid no heed to the weatherman and got out to The Estate for a totally original, definitely not stolen from The Force beatdown.  It was a muggy morning.  During Excelsior we lamented the brevity of the 50-60 degree days. It feels like it went from 45 straight to 70 in the blink of an eye.  Oh well, no matter the temp, there are still miles to run and cinderblocks to move, so let’s get to work.


                Mosey lap around parking lot, carioca, butt kickers, high knees, quadraphelia.
                Circle up, SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, CNRH, arm circles.


                PAX were instructed to grab blocks and gather up at bottom of the parking lot.  After assurances were made that YHC was definitely not just copying The Force’s First Thursday Challenge at the Wilderness, the PAX were instructed as follows:

                Start with 21 reps of each: Curls, Shoulder Press, Squats at bottom of lot, run to top and do ‘Mericans and Dips, run back to start.
                Round 2: Repeato, dropping by 3 reps each time (18, 15, 12…etc.)
                See, The Force does 3 excercises, we did 5.  Besides, it's not even Thursday so how can this be the first Thursday Challange?? I rest my case.

Partner work: PAX partner up, with partner A doing Peoples Chair while partner B Farmer Carries blocks down parking aisle and back (repeat, 3 rounds each).

Head over to the picnic tables:
                Incline ‘Mericans (x10 IC), Dips (x10 IC), Step ups (x8 each leg),
                Calf stretch into Incline ‘Mericans (x8 IC),
                Hamstring stretch into Monkey Humpers (x10 IC)
                Quad stretch into single leg squats (x8 IC)
                Single leg dead lifts (x6 each leg OYO).

Recover Recover!


                Thanks to the PAX for working hard and grinding it out. Thanks to God for holding the rain back for us.  The heavens started to open up just as we were wrapping up.
                T-Claps to Turnpike for grinding it out and completing the TRIPLE DOWN like a beast.
                All in all, was a great morning.  The mumble chatter was strong, stoked by YHS’s “creative” cadence counting at times and much debate was had on whether “Starting Position Move” or “Ready Position Move” is the correct lingo.
                Announcements were regarding the HDHH Release of Shovel Flag Lager in cans at Crafty Beer Guys on 5/1.