Totally Predictable

So I was checking the calendar last night and saw the sword just sitting there unclaimed. Why not seize the day? Or Monday as it were. I did not have to get off the couch then and there…

Like clockwork Monday morning rolled around and away we went into the gloom…

Mosey up to the top of the lot and circle up.
SSH x25
IST x15
Slippery Dip Can x10
Windmills x10
Merkins x10 (Not a warmup exercise?)
Toy Soliders x10

Grab a block. Line up by the bushes facing the parking lot. No, it’s not Samson Suicides…
Zamperini to each island for the following exercises: Curls, Overhead Press, Skull Crusher, Bent Over Row and Chest Press, then run around the island return to your block and proceed to the next island. We began with 5 reps and added 5 progressively.
Once we ran out of islands we partnered up and took turns with partner one farmer carrying the blocks serpentine through the lot back top to drop them off. Partner Two did 10 Plank Jax and 10 LBCs then caught Partner 1 and flap jacked, rinse and repeat the rest of the way…

Mosey back to the launch.
Pretzel Crunch x20
Low Slow Flutter Kicks x20
Touch Them Heels x20
WWII x15
J-Lo x15 (Courtesy of Amen)

Prayers for Tony coming home today after heart surgery. Prayers for all the F3 circles this morning and anything unspoken.

Good time this morning. Everyone was all in, talking shit and working hard. What else can you ask for? Thanks for coming out.

See you in the gloom,
Bob Ross