Touch muh balls

A dozen hard-chargers and an energetic k-9 sallied forth in suprisingly comfortable January gloom to touch muh big balls.  With black ice still lurking about in the AO, YHC opted for a (mostly) stationary workout.  After a brief and mobile CoP, the pax circled up under the streetlight.  Each pax manned a pain station, with one station being a 200 yd run to muh big balls and back to serve as timer. Upon the runner's return, we rotated to the next pain station.The stations were something like this:

Runner (run 100 yds to touch big balls and return.  This position served as timer)

CMU skull crushers amrap

Jump rope amrap

Burpees amrap

CMU overhead press amrap

CMU lawn mowers amrap

Kettlebell curls amrap

40 lb sandbag clean/press to pushup amrap

40lb slam ball amrap

Freddy Mercury amrap

Americans amrap

Something else amrap

We also tossed in a couple nice mobiity moments (because I care about your fitness).


Moses and Possum arrived early to do some Frankenstein walking in the parking lot.   Wily veterans that they are, they spied my truck lurking off to the side and were immediately on to my plan for a coupon-based, mostly stationary workout.  I could tell Possum was thinking about diving into the dumpster (as Possums are wont to do).  

Frontier opined a degree of worry when he saw a cohort of fast runners in the pax, but it was surely "au contrair mon frere" as YHC kept it run-lite today.

Though the actual Toby Talk wasn't until after the workout, we learned that Lego has been lugging around a C-130 of emotional baggage about his second-place finish in the grade school jump rope contest.  And to be honest, it wasn't even close back then, as the champ crushed the field.  But Lego made up for it today as he was clearly the Mighty Oak Jan 19, 2022 one-morning jump rope amrap champ! His jump rope sounded like the rotors of an Apache attack helo.

Gray Ghost and Titan meandered off to who-knows-where during their run to the balls, causing much wailing and grinding of teeth of the pain station pax.

We were momentarily interrupted by the early-arriving cafeteria lady (wasn't school on a 2-hour delay today?). She had the keys to the kingdom, and was able to get through the magic gate.  I'm glad they have that gate locked, because there are literally hordes of Huntersvillians anxious to drive their cars ALL THE WAY AROUND  Grand Oak Elementary, and I'll be damned if we're going to allow that nonsense.  That square pizza is more valuable than gold.  We salute you, cafeteria lady.

All-in-all it was solid outing this morning, followed by some great fellowship just up the road at Summit Coffeeteria.  Thanks for being out there!  ISI.

Goat Sends.