Tough Get Going

Event Date

Jul 05, 2024




2 of the toughest pax in Isotope took on The Beast at Odyssey. Here is their story:

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. That applies to this morning. It has been obvious to Frodo and YHC that we have been trending in an easy direction. Thus, it was time to ramp it back up. A trip to Mutha on Tues and Grey Rd this morning more than satisfied the itch to push ourselves more regularly. 

Although an itch is tough to scratch if you don’t know its there. Thankful for Frodo to keep YHC accountable. Without his suggestion of Grey Rd, surely YHC would have bailed on Odyssey, slept in and run much less, much slower, over flatter terrain, and much later. It would have been so much easier for sure. Good news is this morning was tough, like really tough.

The bad news is that Odyssey is back on the fritz. Not a hint of any other pax having interest in Odyssey let alone Grey Rd. Rumor is Freepass will look to make Odyssey great again next Friday. Good luck brother and get after it. Make it tough. Until the next time…