Tour de AO (with Burpees)

YHC had signed up to Q #ArniesArmy last week, but late audible was called to converge to the Q vs Q final.

I peeked at the calendar at end of last week and noticed that this morning’s #ArniesArmy was without Q, so decided to sign back up and make up for last week.  Thanks to MQ Tammy Faye for pushing YHC for a Q several weeks back – I’ve been needing to get back at it.

0500: YHC met Lego for what would have been a nice slow #Standard.  We were just about to roll out before a third car rolled into the Birkdale Clubhouse parking lot, and out popped Matlock.  Before taking off, we apologized in advance for what we assumed would be a pedestrian pace for a speed merchant like him.  Think we ended up at close to 8 flat, not too bad.

0530: The 3 of us were joined by 4 others, and we moseyed around the lot to the usual warmup spot in the back.  Circle up, disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • We are joined at this point by 2 more pax – Over Budget and Rebound
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC
  • Arm Circles Fwd/Back
  • Burpee x 5 OYO


  • Mosey to Benches
    • Dip x 15 IC
    • Step-Up x 10 each leg OYO
    • Dip x 15 IC
    • Step-Up x 10 each leg OYO
    • Burpee x 5 OYO
  • Mosey to Playground Area
    • Offset Merican x 10 IC (left arm)
    • WWII Sit Up x 20 OYO
    • Offset Merican x 10 IC (right arm)
    • WWII Sit Up x 20 OYO
    • Burpee x 5 OYO
  • Mosey to Pull Up Bars – Mini-Murph
    • Pull Up x 10 OYO
    • Merican x 10 IC
    • Squat x 15 IC
    • Pull Up x 10 OYO
    • Merican x 10 IC
    • Squat x 15 IC
    • Burpee x 5 OYO
  • Mosey to Blocks – grab 1 per pax and head to parking lot
    • Round 1
      • Curl x 10 IC
      • Overhead Press x 10 IC
      • Teabag Squat x 10 IC
      • Burpee x 5 OYO
      • Lap around lot
      • Repeato Round 1
    • Round 2
      • Skullcrusher x 10 IC
      • Chest Press x 20 OYO
      • Lawnmower x 10 IC (each arm)
      • Burpee x 5 OYO
      • Lap around lot
      • Repeato Round 2
  • Replace Blocks and Mosey back to Lot for Mary
    • Low Flutter x 20 IC
    • LBC x 20 IC
    • Mason Twist x 15 IC
    • Alphabet (Capital Letters)
    • Elbow Plank 30 Sec

Recover, recover.


  • Strong work from the pax this morning.  One pax said something mid beatdown to the effect of “who pissed [YHC] off?”  YHC perhaps should have paused a little more in between sets, but wanted to keep the pax moving on a colder-than-it-should-be-in-April morning.  It’s also been a while since YHC has Q’d, and wanted to try to deliver a worthy beatdown.  Thanks to the pax who posted…. it was great to see you all, and to be back at Arnie’s where it all started for me.
  • We mixed in 40 burpees for Lego, who is getting 40 per day the entire year (during which he will turn 40).  Big respect.
  • General plan this morning was to get the burpees in during a tour of the AO proper (not leaving the Clubhouse area).  That meant using the playground area, which we don’t use as much, but I recall that Callahan sometimes mixed that in back in his MQ tenure.  Was good to get back there and do some offset mericans.  Can’t recall what else we used to do back there.  Pull ups on the playground equipment maybe?
  • Thanks to Tammy Faye for letting YHC lead the pax this am.  Thanks to Lego and Matlock for the Standard, and to Lego for taking us out.  Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016 – I’m forever grateful.
