Tour de cul de sac

Event Date

Jun 17, 2024

6 Pax were present @ Arnie’s Army this morning. Here’s what went down:



-Slow Wind Mill x10


Mosey to first intersection. Stop and continue Warmarama:

-Toy Soldier x15 (30 IC)

-IST x15 (30 IC)

Mosey to next intersection. Stop to continue Warmarama:

-Side Straddle Hop x20 (40 IC)


Mosey to the next street for The Thang… “Tour de cul de sac”

Mosey and stop at cul de sac #1 for:

-‘Merkins x20 (40 IC)


Mosey and stop at cul de sac #2 for:

-Carolina Dry Docks x20 (40 IC)


Mosey and stop at cul de sac #3 for:

-Lbc x20 (40 IC)


Mosey and stop at cul de sac #4 for:

-Low flutter x20 (40 IC)


Mosey and stop at cul de sac #5 for:

-Squats x20 (40 IC)


Mosey and stop at cul de sac #6 for:

-Mobility Moment (Pigeon and Catcher’s Pose)

-Freddy Mercury x20 (40 IC)

Mosey and stop at cul de sac #7 for:

-WWII x20 (40 IC)

Mosey to next intersection for:

-Calf raise x20 (40 IC)

-Muhammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x50 (100 IC)

Mosey back to Base for:

-Reverse lunge x10 each leg (20 IC)

-Dips x20 (40 IC)

-Inclined ‘Merkins x20 (40 IC)

-Glute bridge x5 holds and 15 thrusters (35 IC)

Recover, Recover


Way to push through today gents. The sounds of sprinklers throughout the neighborhood, humidity, and plethora of cul de sacs made conditions great for YHC’s plan today.

Matlock was always leading the pack and even got in a little pre-standard mosey. Tuffy headed straight to the pull up bars to get some extra reps in after recover, recover. AM-PM did some post mosey. Tammy Faye and YHC were simply satisfied with our efforts and were fine with a true recover, recover. Peart Plus did great pushing himself as he hasn’t been running a lot since March. Great job man!

We got in 2+ miles with pain stations at each cul de sac and most importantly, avoided the fartsack. We’re all better for it. It’s always great to start the day with F3 brothers.

COT/Namarana/Prayer Requests:


-Peart Plus’s mother widow

-All Pax who are going through caregiving issues and challenges with their parents.

-Unspoken prayer requests among F3.


The F3 mission statement is “to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”. 

F3 5 Core Principles:

Workouts …

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust


-There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.

-Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers).

Until next time…

