Tour de Estate – a lesson of why this AO is so great

13 pax took arrived in the gloom of a gloriously beautiful morning to find out more about The Estate. Here’s how that went:

Following a long disclaimer and explanation of what we’d be doing and why, we moseyed.
Lap around the lower soccer field

Halt for Warm-o-Rama at The Bermuda Triangle of The Estate

Find blocks. Use ‘em.

  • the usual strength-building from top to bottom
  • Put ‘em back

Up to the bus lot.

  • 1/2 pax 10 pull-ups while other half 10 Merkins in cadence
  • Flapjack
  • Repeato
  • Threepeato was cancelled

Over to the dock.

  • 1/2 pax do seated tricep lifts x 10 IC while other 1/2 do balls2wall
  • Flapjack
  • Repeato

Mosey down Beatties

Dips in front of Bradley

Down to Jim Kidd Rd just to show it’s available.

Back up to Bradley, around back.

Weave around by the sidewalk until YHC shows the pax “where the sidewalk ends”

To the baseball field, outfield fence.

  • Divide teams by baseball players and non-baseball players
  • over and back x 5

Now up beside Bradley to the side lot.

What’s this? Did someone pull out a big, long, thick, WHITE… rope?

  • Impromptu MWAR
  • This feels different. Is this one smaller than The Force’s??? Tupac was impressed nonetheless
  • Volunteer to haul the rope? No – we’ll carry it together like in elementary school? Not sure which pax suggested this but chaos ensued.

To the track by way of the rope and an attempt at an Indian Run all holding the rope. That was embarrassing.

Just enough time to recap what we did, what we saw and even more options we didn’t have time for. The Estate is truly a gift to the pax and should not be taken for granted.

Finish with some power knees x 20 to the left and to the right.

Recover recover.


  • we covered 2.2 miles and it felt like 6.
  • Happy Gilmore knew we’d be covering a lot of ground so he brought his bike. His fitness is important to YHC so we used him at times as a timer for us as we moseyed. YHC would send him up and down hills, far ahead or for laps as we made it to the next stop. Sometimes the pas wasn’t allowed to stop running til Happy G arrived. He pushed it and was usually quite winded after each ride.
  • T-claps to Turnpike, Gambini and Drebin for the triple down. Numerous others rucked or ran for a double down.

Pax chime in if YHC missed anything.