Tour De Force at Isotope’s hottest new AO

It was a dark and stormy night.

A bored 1st F Q, fresh off the high of a Tough Mudder training session cackled loudly within the bowels of his study, "History be damned! I'm going to put all the AOs, workouts and days of the week on little ping-pong balls and toss 'em in the lottery machine. The PAX will rue the day!" It's unclear why he owned a lottery machine.

He proceeded to laugh maniacally as Tuesday workouts became Fridays, upstart AOs were flipped and flopped, specific WIBs were scheduled based on the waxing and or waning gibbous of a silver moon. Mass hysteria, and a damn fine job.

Outlaw took over #PAINinsula which now occurred on Tuesdays and sequestered YHC for a beatdown (bang bang). So your old Uncle Pierogi did what he does best and took 23 PAX (9 of #RaceCity's finest gentlesirs) on a trip around flavortown ensuring adequate preparation that could potentially yield achievement. We also peppered our anguses, aberdeen longhorns and various other mostly popular euphamisms for getting strong, but taking a beating in the process….

#PAINinsula is on Tueday, not to be mistaken for #MadSci (above) which is now on Thursdays at Blythe elementary except for every 2nd Friday where it will be a combination "Murph" and "Vern" WIB. Got it? 



Mosey around and pick-up a couple #rucktards fresh off #TheStandard. Make our way for the BBC promenade:

  • SSH x alot (PAX were mumblechattering)
  • IST x 15
  • American Psychos x 10
  • Squats x 15
  • Monkey Humpers x 15
  • #Mericans x 15
  • Mountain Climbers x 20

And probably some other weird stuff I can't quite remember.

One thang to rule them all, One thang to find them

Circle up around the gazeebo.

  • Plank position waiting for everyone to form up
  • HR 'Merican's x 10ish
  • Plank walk around gazeebo half-way
  • Crucible 'Merican's (check the exercises section) x 10ish
  • Plank walk back to start
  • CDD x 10ish

Up and at 'em heading over the river and through the woods to Grandma's rock pile. Partner up, grab a non-travelling rock, travel slightly to firestation field for Field of BLIMPS:

At each tree in firestation field execute BLIMPS as follows:

Burpees x 5

Lunge walk x 10 (in this case lunge walk from tree 1 to tree 2)

IST x 15

Mericans x 20

Plank jacks x 25

Squats x 30

  • Partner 1: BLIMPS 
  • Partner 2: Zamparini

Flapjack, Repeato!

  • Parnter 1: Blimps
  • Patner 2: Alternating curls / skull crushers

Mosey back to Teeter. Lineup along the wall:

  • People's chair w/ air presses x 50

Mosey back to start in time for 2 MOM.

MOMmy Can You Hear Me

  • Mason Twists x 20
  • Flutter kicks for about 1 minute

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd scene. Recover, recover.

Milky Moleskin

  1. YHC led 5 #rucktards on a march back deep into the heart of peninsula darkness. We were regaled with the tales of Manhands. We took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and had to haul ace back to make it 2 minutes before start. Sorry Goat, Jolly and #MOTY. We left you with the kewpin. That backpack looks damn good on the Gnarly one. Just sayin'.
  2. It was my pleasure to attend Titan on Monday, at Professor's request, to retrieve the #Ghostflag for this post. A solid AO with an awful lot of running. Q legs rampant that day.
  3. #TruckCity was goaded into actually crossing Lake Norman and heading south for the #GhostFlag; 9 to be exact. Well done, men! Thanks for coming out and supporting me. 
  4. There was some concern that we didn't spend the requisite amount of time on or around the area next to the gazeebo. I mentioned that it was because of YHC's intense care of your fitness, we did something a little different and in no way has anything to do with a cease and desist request sent via courier agent to stay no closer than 100 yards from a certain facility that may or may not employ circuit training exercises. Also, I have no comment regarding said matters.
  5. The mumblechatter was early and often. Ebbing and flowing with intensity and volume as exercises were instructed and completed. JollyRoger got the closest to throwing me out of sync during people's chair but I pressed on, unwavering in my cadence. Achievement, unlocked. 
  6. Burner was not happy that we were travelling with rocks. My apologies to Outlaw for bluefalcon'ing us with that soulcrusher. I thought I'd get some sweet sweet robot love today, but alas, Mortimer #walkered me. Or is it #jollyrogered. If only there was a recepticle for our common colloquialisms and an electronic interface in which to share them :thinking_face:.

Always my pleasure to lead you fine individuals.
