Tour De Hood

Event Date

May 20, 2017

Competitors arrived early on this humid Saturday Morning for the Tour De Hood.  With no Q present Grip decided to wing it and the Pax(Should it be Pi if plural?) nearly fainted with Grip exclaimed that he knows some good sites around the neighborhood!


Quick lap around the parking lot to get the blood flowing then

25 SSH

20 Windmills

20 IST

20 TS


All warmed up it was off to the races.  The pack headed out and ran down to the creek (literally down a long hill) where we found a guard rail.  

Decline Mercans off the guard rail 10ic

Incline Mercans 10ic

One legged squats (one leg on the guard rail) 10 ic each leg

Now that the quads were good and inflamed the pack started the first uphill leg of the race…lightning speed up to the playground…and by lightning speed, I mean speed of someone who just got struck by lighning. 

Find somewhere to put your feet up and hammer out 10 more decline Mercans ic. 

10 pull ups/10 leg ups on your own

Step ups-15 each leg

CDD 10 ic

Mosey on down to the road and team up.  One partner runs down about 50 yards and back while the other partner does an exercise until he gets back.





The Pack departed the playground and dashed back down to the creek where a lush, green, wet, steep hill awaited.

Walk down to the bottom and Bear Crawl up x 4.  

Hustle back up the initial long hill to the island and circle up for some Pre-Mary (is that a thing?)

WWII Situps

Dancing Bears

Freddy Mercury

Windshield Wiper

Planks with an arm raise

Alternating Dog and Cat pose

Standing quad stretch…keep the core tight.

The pack headed out for a final leg.  Q gave the option-Shorter/Steeper route or longer more gradual incline…Pax chose the latter. 

Circled up for the actual Mary.  Only had time for two…

Some weird yoga lunge with a stretch that Knocked Up found in Women's Health Magazine

Reverse Plank



  • The Tour de France (French pronunciation: ?[tu? d? f??~s]) is an annual multiple stage bicycle race primarily held in France,[1] while also occasionally making passes through nearby countries. The race was first organized in 1903 to increase sales for the newspaper L'Auto;[2] which is currently run by the Amaury Sport Organisation.[3] The race has been held annually since its first edition in 1903 except when it was stopped for the two World Wars.[4] As the Tour gained prominence and popularity the race was lengthened and its reach began to extend around the globe.
  • The Tour de Hood is a much less organized even made up on the fly intended to decrease waist lines and add years of youth to aging bodies.  The only people who benefit are the Pax and their beautiful brides.
  • Swamp Thing has a nick name story dating back to college.  Prodding and Prying was not enough to drag the story out.
  • If the hill is steep enough and you are short enough, the bear crawl is essentially a walk.
  • Behind the back shoulder stretches are best completed independent of lunges.
  • Standing quad stretches may not be as effective at increasing balance if Pax are holding on to eachother while they do it…some are just happy they can grab their foot. 
  • Asphault angels are similar to snow angels…the only real difference is that the asphault is usually hot and you make them with sweat…come to think of it they aren't similar at all.

Great work men and great job Q!  Excellent day in the hood!