Tour De Mustang

Event Date

Jun 06, 2018


The Thang

-Mosey around the parking lot to the flagpole

-Elevens (Burpees and hand release merkins) with a lap around the flag in between sets

-Mosey to bus parking lot

-20 Box Jumps

-Mosey to loading dock

-Wall sits with arm press while other pax do 5 jump ups each side on loading dock 

-Mosey to lower practice field

-100 yard sprint

-Backwards run up the hill

-Mosey to pull up bar

-5 pullups while pax squats (2X)

-Mosey to launch pad

-Backwards bear crawl up the stairs. 



Trials and Temptations

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

I don’t know any man that enjoys trials. We’d just assume life proceed at a smooth pace without any obstacles rearing their ugly head. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) that’s not the case. Trials will come. And sometimes they come in waves and really test your faith.

God has a purpose for the trials you face. This verse clearly states the reason. It’s to produce patience in your life – patience in others, patience in yourself and patience in God. So the next time you are faced with a hefty trial, thank God for it. He’s doing a work in your life that can’t be accomplished unless you face some adversity.


Where was everyone this morning? Only 8. Weather was awesome. 

Shortly after elevens begin I see a school bus approaching. Toot Toot. Could to see you brother. 

Hefty seemed less than amused with you Q's choice to spend 20 mins doing elevens.

Probally could have done without the last minute excursion to get our shoes wet. #QFAIL