Tour de Mustang – part deux

Event Date

Mar 23, 2019

11 fine men welcomed Sonar back to the Q club and took a tour of the grounds with a little work mixed in.

(FNG-1 is Ratchet)


Right over Left

Left over Right


15 IC Mountain Climbers



THE THANG (Split into teams of 3, 4th person, if necessary can mirror C)


Mosey to tables by tennis courts

All: 15 IC Dips

To the tennis courts

A:  Suicides (three lines)

B:  Plank

C:  LBCs

Mosey over to the small loop with benches at school entrance

A:  Lunge walk the loop

B:  Dips

C:  Step-ups

Mosey to the short wall near the buses

A:  Racoon walk halfway around the wall

B:  Decline ‘merkins on another wall

C:  Wall kicks on remaining wall

Mosey around to the loading dock

A:  Alternating hop-ups on the dock (overflow: jump-squats) until C's arrive

B:  Crawl-bear from the dock to the wall at the bottom

C:  Wall-sit with air presses, then bear-crawl up to the dock when B’s arrive

Mosey to the blocks, each team takes one and lines up on the practice field

A:  Run to the fence and back

B:  Zamperini with the block

C:  Burpees

(return the blocks)

Mosey to the practice field, near pull-up bar

This one is a little different

A:  (all teams) Push sled to flipping tire and back (alternate as necessary)

B:  (all teams) pull-ups – two at a time (alternating after five each or max)

C:  Squats

Mosey to the track around to the bleachers

A:  Run a lap

B:  Bleacher hops / Dips  (alternate with other group each trip up/down)

C:  Dips / Bleacher hops (alternate with other group each trip up/down)



Mosey to quadriphelia hill

A:  Runs to the end of the sidewalk at soccer field and back

B:  Mosey down the hill, quadriphelia up

C:  Plank

Mosey to elementary school

ALL:  Murph rounds until time expires





2 Corinthians 4:17-18

17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Recent health events in my life have been an absolute blessing in that they have allowed me to, not only appreciate the things I have here in this life, but to know (perhaps for the first time in my life) that what lies beyond our time here on Earth is so much greater if we only accept the gift that has already been offered to us.



– It felt good to get back in the saddle for a Q after a long layoff.  

– Chilly morning turned out be just about perfect for work we were doing.

– Had plenty of workout left when time ran out.  Guess I may have over-planned for the 60 minute workout but, hey, it's been like 3 years since I Q'd a Saturday

– As always, it is a honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just be a part of this thing we call F3.

– Prayers were lifted for our Palmetto 200 runners and for the concerns of three PAX.