Tour de Wilderness

15 men posted to seek and find a few things at the Wilderness AO this morning.  Myself, Calypso and T-Bone ran the Standard (2.2 miles at a blistering 8:24 pace…not fellowshippy at all).  It was probably because we joined the likes of Jolly Roger, Jedi, Mr. Burns and Fenway on their Standard run from Recover.  Although there were moments of great fellowshipping going on the entire run.  Anyway, here is how the scavenger hunt went down at Wilderness:


Count off by 2's to form 2 random teams.  The teams got sheets with landmarks, and exercise with number of reps and a question to prove they were there (kinda like a mini-polarbear).  You had to have some knowledge of the AO and some named workouts from past posts, so we made sure there was someone on each team that had some insight.  Each team did the same exact workout in reverse order from each other.  There were a few bonus clues thrown in to mix things up (non-mandatory, but worth more points).

Tennis Courts, Squats x20ic, What is the last word on the "Tennis Court Rules" sign? TRASH

Queens Corner, Freddie Mercury x15ic, What does the decorative sign say at this corner? THE GROVE

Rock Pile, 8-count burners x10, How many sections of picket fence beside the rock pile? 4

Little Pain Clock (Bicycle Front Wheel), Merkins x15ic, How many sections of concrete make up the circle? 34

Middle of "The Figure 8"/"Bicycle Seat", Quadriphilia up the hill, bear crawl down x2, What is the number (in yellow) on the light pole across the street? 97

Big Pain Clock (Bicycle Back Wheel), Burpees x10, How many trees are planted in the roundabout? 5

BONUS: St. Marks School, Crucifix Merkins x10ic, What is painted on the rock? JET 11

THE Grand Oak, LBCs x25ic, What type of water valve exists at the road even with the tree? FIRE HYDRANT

Grand Oak Elementary Front Door, Leap Frog Burpees over all 10 balls, What is the first letter on the kiosk by the road? M

BONUS: Stumptown/Hugh MacAuley intersection, Burpees x5, What is the address on the 1st mailbox on Hugh MacAuley? 15529

The Beach, Burpees x10, What 4 roads surround the beach? Harvington, Elham, Bytham Castle, Hugh MacAuley

Clock Tower Playground, Pull Ups x10, What is painted on the curb at the entrance to the playground? OVERFLOW PARKING ONLY

Back Entrance Cul De Sac (Mayberry), Merkin Time Bomb (54321), What words are stamped on the center of the manhole cover? SANITARY SEWER

BONUS: Berryfield Cul De Sac, WW2 Sit Ups x10, What is the mailbox number where the F3 logo is in chalk?


Return back to Home Court when finished.  Finish by 0555.  First team gets 10 bonus points.




Both teams finished at exactly the same time. REMARKABLE.  Although, only team 2 did a bonus point and team 1 seemed to now know the answers for most of the points.  Any explanations out there?

I saw The Force post something about hoping not to have to do any burpees or merkins.  Sorry, but I'm not sorry.  I care about your fitness.

Didn't anyone see the appropriateness of doing Cucifix Merkins at St Marks?

Overheard in the 'hood: "This school has a lot of balls!"  Thanks for the insight GG.

Great to have a fresh FNG out today.  Welcome Brady Hatcher.  I would say it gets easier, but it already seemed easy for you.  So, we'll be looking for your first Q (Lead) very soon.  Being a fighter pilot brings great expectations.  Come out again and get your bada$$ nickname on your next post.  It may not seem like it now, but you'll be thanking Toxic for introducing you to F3 in the near future.

Travolta is super fast!  We established that being WB, he should be the fastest.  Although, Ikea (WD) is super fast too…go figure.

I hope everyone had as much fun as I did today.  Next time we do this, I'm just gonna have all the points near the parking lot…that was an awful lot of running.  I was smoked on our approach back to the winners circle.

Team 2 won, by the way.  Thanks to the leadership of Gnarly Goat and for Tagless/Travolta showing the way and clearing a path for all their slower teammates.

I didn't get to hang out with Team 1, so let us know how things went with you guys in the comments below.

Special thanks to Calypso for drawing an F3 logo with chalk in front of his house (Cul De Sac at Berryfield).  Unfortunately, no one got to see it because both teams were slow. Cobains.