Tour of Lake Forest

10 men braved the gloom, punched the fartsack in the face and posted to LFC's greatest workout of the day.  Here is their story:

(2 others set their alarms wrong and showed up for the 0500 standard…YHC and Q-Bert)

Mosey, side shuffle, backwards run to warm the cold bones. Go back to pick up Lego who showed up a few moments late* then make our way to the pull up bars (not monkey bars, The Force).

Circle up for the warm up: A little SSH here, a little Apollo Ono's there, a little Cotton Pickers, sprinkled with a bit of Windmills and wrap up with some 'Mericans (someone stated they aren't a warm up exercise, so we only did 10ic)

Groups of 3: Group 1 did bent arm hang on the PULL UP BARS (again, not monkey bars, The Force) while Group 2 did Al Gore and Group 3 acted as the "timer" running to the end of the parking lot and back. When they returned, everyone rotated until all 3 groups did all 3 exercises.  REPEATOx3

Mosey to the wall by the shed for People's Chair (hold while each pax performed a 10-count to their liking until all pax completed a 10-count).  Our legs were stiff from holding still for so long, so we did Squats x10ic. We felt bad for our legs having to move around so much so, REPEATO with pax performing 8-counts in People's Chair, then everyone did Squats x8ic. Then, People's Chair for each pax 6-count followed by Squats x6ic.  At this point, the pax were catching on to a pattern so we stopped the leg burn madness.  Besides, nothing is worth doing below a 6 count or for 6 reps (REALLY, NOT REALLY)

We moseyed around the backside of the church (some chatter about never having been there before). We toyed with the idea of entering the F3 compound to do monkey humpers in various front yards (looking at you, Calypso, Black Eyed Pea, Landshark and Burner).  Time was flying by, and we were short on time* so we pressed on to the alcove at the front of the church:

Crawl Bear up the footer steps (it was only 5 steps, geeeez), climb to the top of the fire escape and back down, Bear Crawl the magical path to nowhere. REPEATO.  There was a railing that I thought was too far apart for "Bridge over The River Pain," but Lego showed us it was possible.  SO we did it.  There was a glimmer in Blackbeard's eye when he commented dreamily, "just think, the Arnie's Army guys might be doing this very thing at this very moment" (Cue "American Tail" soundtrack…James Ingram and Linda Rondstadt hit: Somewhere Out There)

On the way back to our starting point, there was a section of sidewalk sitting there all lonely and dark, so we blessed it with come Cacka-Lacka-Choo-Choo.  All the way to the end, which turned out to be only 2x through for each pax…mostly due to the ever-enlarging gaps created by rigorous hops, I'm sure. 

*Just as we were moseying back to the cars to get in a few minutes of MARY, Lego comes up beside me in the Gloom: "Hey, if you don't have anything else planned, I have something we could do!"  I did have something else planned, but I'm not one to steal someone's thunder if they have a bright idea.  The bright idea was the discarding of F3's most sought after Monkey Bars remnants after Lego dismantled it yesterday (read, 3rdF labor).  Lego ran ahead (as he always does) and pulled his jeep with trailer (reason he was late) up to the pile of rubble that once was an LFC-F3 staple.  We loaded it up, then took it to the construction dumpster to toss it all away (if you work for the construction company that owns/pays for that dumpster, disregard the previous statemet).  Some random moments of silence for the loss to LFC and we made it back to the car just in time for RECOVER, RECOVER.



Bob Ross and Mona Lisa post so much together (whether intentional or not), and have such a similar themed nickname, I often get them confused.  Sorry guys.

Sweet C, I can always count on you for a "too much running" comment even though we only went less than a mile today 😉

Caboose, sorry to put in the bent arm hang again today.  I wanted more pax to benefit from such an awful exercise.

Q-Bert, thanks for running with me this morning.  That route is LONELY by yourself.  I'm glad I showed to know.  Sorry if your wife was mad at you for being late.  You can blame…uh…Blackbeard…yeah…Blackbeard.

Ghost Hunter, you were eerily quiet this morning.  I'm sure you were saving it all for work today.