Tour of the Estate

11 Came out for their Saturday dose of the Estate and we roamed around with a number of stops and group participation.


Take off around the bottom of the soccer fields for Indian Run, 1st stop at the corner of the soccer fields.

SSH x 15

Frankenstein x 15

IST x10

Mosey up the sides of the soccer field, yes in the grass..2nd quick stop; Merkins x 5, continue up hill to the front of the park.

3rd stop  – Partner up, side walk split runs, one partner runs down right side of the sidewalk, partner 2 runs down left side of sidewalk, when partners meet in middle – 1 burpee, flip flop with 3 rounds

One arm planks with air presses x 5, mosey down side-walk for a 4th stop, front of park – monkey humpers x 10

Mosey to second entrance of bailey for 6th stop, Merkins x 5 (Rodeo)

Mosey to grassy area near fence,

7th stop – partner up… SSH x 10, wheel barrel down to tree, SSH x10 flip flop and wheel barrel back to start

Mosey toward Bradley, stop 8th – SSH x 10(66), run back and forth between the bushes.

To the parking lot curb,

9th stop, Curb merkins; right arm x 5, flip flop, left arm x 5;

Curb LBC x 10

Mosey toward Bradley entrance single file line,

10th stop w/SSH x 10(Macbeth)

Bear-crawl through the columns,

11th stop, front of Bradley; 10 Jump up OYO,

Merkins x 10 (Camelback)

Grab a column for Al Gore, hold for 10 count

Mekins x 5(Carpetbagger)

Mosey toward basketball court;

12th stop, partner up ….Suicides with 70 hand release merkins

Mosey to side of school

13th stop, partner up …partner 1 runs to dock, jump up/run stairs 5 Frankenstein

Partner 2 does Allen Iverson’s until partner returns, flip flop.

Merkins x 5(Turnpike)

Mosey to the far side of the school for the wooden x play spot…not sure what it is

14th stop, donkey kicks on over boards x10 (Ellmers) Incline merkins x5

Mosey to the never ending hill,

15th stop, partner up…run up hill, 5 helping hands – right arm, run down 5 helping hands – left arm

Flip flop; run up hill, 5 helping hands – right arm, run down 5 helping hands – left arm

Mosey to the building/concession stand

16th stop, WWII -10 facing down the hill, Merkins x 5(Goodlife) next change sides, WWII -10 facing up the hill

SSH x 10 (camelback)

Mosey to the track

17th stop, partner up, partner 1 run past bleachers (40yards), partner 2, LCB’s. Next round pretzel crunch 5 each leg until partner returns, 3rd round – low flutter. Hands on the line, Shoulder touch merkins x 10



We had a triple and double downer today, Turnpike on the triple and Jaws on the double, strong work men. If you ever want a challenge, come over to get your triple down.

Macbeth made his way over this way today, good to see him join in. You know he crushed the workout, he was lobbying for another round of the sidewalk runs, he was trying to play the new guy card.

There was some mumble chatter; Carpet bagger threw me off on my count earlier, sneaky you..

We got in 2.5 miles today and if you did most of them, there were over 120 + merkins(add your count on the hand-release)

Thanks Rooter for the opportunity to Q the Estate, it’s always and honor to lead!