Toxic Disruption and 2 Interlopers made for an Interesting Man Maker Monday

14 NC PAX, 1 Remote PA PAX and 2 interlopers participated in a Man Maker Monday Extravaganza!  

Warm up – In Cadence

20x–Side Straddle Hops, 10x–Windmills, 10x–Toy Soldiers, 10x–Imperial Storm Troopers, 50xMorocon Night Clubs and 10x’Mericans

The Thing – in Cadence

First Set – 3 Rounds – (5x – 10x – 5x – Reps)

  1. Kettlebell Squat
  2. Kettlebell Curl
  3. Kettlebell Overhead Press
  4. Kettlebell Skull Crusher
  5. Kettlebell Burner

Second Set – Head to the pull up bars – 3 Rounds

  1. Pullups – x10
  2. ‘Mericans – x10
  3. Squat with Bell x15, x15 and x10

Third Set – 2 Rounds – (10x – 10x – Reps)

  1. Kettlebell Lawn Mower Right
  2. Kettlebell Lawn Mower Left
  3. Kettlebell Bent Over Row
  4. Kettlebell Upright Row
  5. Kettlebell Chest Press

Break with a mosey to the wall for peoples chair, air press and touch them heals

Mary –

Stapler-Pretzel Crunch, Deep Dish-Rosalita, Moses-Jay Lo , Cousin Eddie- The W with Kettlebell , Popcorn-Low Flutter , Soprano- Burpees, Shakhappyen Not Stirred-LBC , and Toxic (Christopher Walken Plank)


  • FNG1= Popcorn, nice job with a 45lb plate
  • Holiday – Your remote workout was harder, assuming you did everything 🙂
  • Toxic ruined everything by spoiling all the fun and predicating the workout progression
  • Moses called out Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice and low and behold he arrived. Welcome back brother.
  • Omega gets the award for latest arrival.
  • Soprano- Burpees for Mary, not cool. Needed, yes, but not cool.
  • Little Professor continues to crush it. If football every does come back, you are going to kill the competition. Keep up the good work.
  • It was great to see the Waffleist of Houses enjoy this smorgasbord of exercises.
  • It is not clear, but either Moses is still growing or Shaken is shrinking. Likely both
  • Na Na Na gets the award for the most elaborate pre-workout maintenance routine while the rest of us just struggle to touch our toes.
  • Finally, two gentleman with bells and other equipment put on their own workout. They looked on with either disgust or awe at us. It was hard to tell with my glasses fogged up. I’ll assume awe.   


To Holiday’s mother and his family, to Goat’s mother and his family and to my mother.