Toxic stole the Pax from The Mighty Oak

Event Date

Oct 26, 2016

6 took on the Mighty Oak today.  Perhaps this was my bad when a.) not updating the website with the Q and b.) when I tweeted that there would be a suprise Q…people may have thought it was going to be MiniMe, Jolly Roger or someone…so they went elsewhere.  Well the surprise Q happened to be YHC (i.e., suprise, I am still in F3 and can still run a workout…even though I have been OOT every week for 3 months).  

I thought I would add an extra flair to my entrance today by letting the 5 pax sit in the parking lot until 0529:45 looking at each other going…"ah…who's the surprise Q…" and then here YHC came sprinting around the corner with Bose speaker in hand playing AC/DC's "Back In Black" at full volume and yelled, "let's go boys…"  #somethingdifferent


  • Run (not mosey) to first turn about at bottom of Travolta hill
  • SSH X 30IC

Da Thang:

  • Run (not mosey) to top of Travolta hill #thathillstillsucks
  • Slow Merkins / Hold on bottom for 10 seconds X 3
  • Bear crawl half way around circle #itsabigcircle
  • Lunge around second half of circle #betterthanbearcrawls
  • Run half way down hill to grass hill – puts Hell's Ascent at GCC to shame
  • Freddie Mercuries X 25IC
  • Partner up – hillbarrows up, and back down / flapjack
    • Repeato – heck no!
  • Run back to roundabout
    • Low flutter X 25IC
    • BBC X 25IC
    • Planks – hands / elbow rotations until shoulders were toast
  • Run back to school
  • Chumbaburpees #thissuckedsobad
  • Cinder blocks
    • CB Swings X 15OYO
    • Oh wait, there's picnic tables over here, let's do pinic table presses first
    • Tall guys in middle (Caboose and me) short guys on the ends.  #TERRIBLEIDEA – we did all the work!
    • Shoulder Presses X 20 (for short guys) X 10 for tall guys
    • Curls X 15IC
  • Mary
    • Dying Cockroach's 
    • Crunchy Frogs

Recover Recover

  • Great job by all today. Solid pax members today who are all regulars!!
  • Ty Webb – led the way in running today (shocking I know).  Hitting his 3 year anniversary this week. Awesome job!
  • Bandwagon, part of the MacAulay group, along with Travolta, were representing today!  Apparently the rest of the crew is on Halloween vacation, or are all Cubs fans (in fetal position) or Indian's fans (drank too much). 
  • Caboose duelly noted – "I knew we'd be bear crawling today."  Also, "can someone please in the future hide Ditka's phone and speakers before workouts"  #chumbaburpees
  • Olaf suffered some PTSD during Hillbarrows as apparently he was attacked by fire ants a few weeks back on this very same hill.  I sensed his hesitation while i was pushing him up the hill…but in typical Olaf fashion, he crushed it!

Great job men, and thanks to Travolta for taking us out today!  As always, great job!

Ditka out!