10 men waited in suspense of what was to come, as we toured the Arnies' AO. 3 for 3 for The Standard.
- mosey around the parking lot and circle up around the tree.
- Windmill x10 IC
- Cotton Pickers x10 IC
- Mountain Climbers x10 IC
- Peter Parkers x10 IC
The Thang:
- mosey to monkey bars
- Over the monkey bars
- Dips x20 OYO
- Pullups x10 OYO
- Toe Jams x10 OYO
- Plank
- Repeato
- Mosey to the picnic tables
- Slow Dips x15 IC
- Incline Mericans x10 IC
- mosey to the bridge
- SUSPENSion Bridge Mericans x8 IC
- Tunnel of Love x1
- Mosey to the Tee Box hill and partner up
- Quadraphilia with 10 burpees at top, while other partner planks
- Repeato with Carolina Dry Docks at top x20 OYO
- Mosey back to the bridge
- SUSPENSion Bridge Mericans x8 IC
- Tunnel of Love x3
- Mosey back to home court
- Slow Dips x15 IC
- Decline Mericans x10 IC
- Incline Mericans x10 IC
- Dot the "i" x15 IC
- Susan Summers x25 IC each leg
- Shoulder Touch Mericans (c/o Snake Eyes) x15 IC
- Thanks for handing me the keys today Auto. This AO truly has it all!!!
- Great group today, with multiple Master Qs, and multiple PAXs signed up to Q this week across LKN.
- Roadie laid down the challenge for YHC on the bridge, but i did not have the intestinal fortitude to counter attack this morning! Nice work bro!!!
- Props to Ultraman, who ran to and from the workout this morning. Mr. Holland, Auto, and YHC got in 3 before the workout.
- I think Fescue may be on the juice. That boy is starting to look really built! Keep it up!!!
- Night Light forgot his gloves this morning. I'm sure he missed them on the monkey bars, and elsewhere! He did thank YHC for not bringing the bricks this morning!!
- Cherry Bomb is really following his Dr's orders, and jumped in to F3 with both feet. He's Q'ing more than many veterans (myself included), and is running circles around most.
- It's good to have Tagless back to form, and a regular again in the gloom. I don't think i heard him complain once this morning, which means my beatdown wasn't hard enough, or he fully back to the beast he was!!!
- Thanks to Snake Eyes for always supporting me when I Q. All i had to do was tell him i was Q'ing, and he committed without having to be asked! I truly appreciate you bro!!!