Toys and Competitions at The Cauldron

Despite it being TWENTY THREE DEGREES outside, 9 pax lept from the warm and cozy FS to post at Cauldron.

Warmorama: Leave your KBs (and the extras) on the sidewalk by the lightpole, joggy jog all the way to the top of the deck. Up top, take the far stairwell to the bottom, joggy-jog back up to the other side stairwell.  It's warm here, so let's warmorama.

SSHs, IST, Weird SSHs and arm circles.  Final joggy jog down and out, back to the KBs.  No – still not warm.

The Thang:

Series of KB sets – Shoulder press/O-head press combos, Skull Crushers, all the curls, squats.

The competitions:  Line up by height (yep – size does matter today). Taller guys to the left of the pole with KBs, less taller guys to the right.  While pax do exercises w/o KBs, 1 pax from each team places each KB from sidewalk, across the grass and up on the ledge in front of them. Once all KBs are on the ledge, move them all back to the sidewalk. Each pax from each team goes (it was 4 on 4 b/c Goat had to, well, leave for a few mins).

Tall guys won round one.  Go again, but switch sides of the pole, but place on same area of the ledge as Round 1. Yes, this created a traffic hazard and also led to poor sportsmanship and blatant cheating.  No one wins when there's poor sportsmanship (plus YHC cannot remember now).

Back of the FJ opens up, out comes Zare's Christmas gift from Santa – a 40lb weighted vest.  BOO-YAH. Pax heads to DPK front entrance at the street corner to ensure the public of Hville knows the F3 men don't care about sub-30 temps. Bring ALL the kettle bells, too.  Frogger wore the vest for the walk over.

Now we're in the Pectacular Weigh Room – we will be here every time The Force Qs Cauldron (ya know, unless it's raining). By Dec of 2021, all pax will have pecaliscious pectorals to show for their work – just keep posting.

25lb KBs at each of the 4 weight benches (4 short walls, perfect to use as bench press) with 2 pax at each.  Now that Goat has returned from the outhouse, we have a perfect 9 for this.  4 sets of 2 pax at the benches, 1 pax in the middle for climb-overs. 

Partner 1: KB presses then KB flies til you feel the burn. 

Partner 2: Ab/core exercise of your choice til partner 1 has had enough.  Flapjack and keep doing the same. 

Meanwhile, 1 pax gets the 40lb vest AND two 35lb KBs and is to climb over the middle island and back "only 3 times". If this sounds or looks easy, show up next time and give it a whirl. After 3 over-and-backs, hand the vest to another pax and join the partner still there.

The above presses and flies while the climb-over is taking place allowed for a good 3 or so sets of the KB presses/flies. Pax should feel that over the weekend.  Ya welcome.

At 6:14, grab all the KBs and head back to the light pole where we began just 44 mins earlier. Great, the temp dropped 2-3 more degrees since then. Recover-recover


Glad we got ab/core work in while our partners were getting their pecs swole, cuz we used up all our time and missed MWAR. YHC's big, long, thick, black rope was left untouched by all these fine men today. *crying*

It's hard to stay warm when it's 25 degrees and dropping and we're carrying around iron bells.

Glad Goat could join us.  Twice.  He really missed nothing tho.  Well, other than the feeling of victory.

The pax is competitive and worked hard when it was their turn to perform. Be it moving the KBs or wearing the vest – full effort put forth!

There will be prizes and rewards when YHC Qs this AO in the future, so let it be known – your attendance and efforts and attitudes are being monitored and noted!

100% pax attendance at Coffeteria following The Cauldron today.


Thanks again to Ultraman for handing over the MQ reigns to YHC.  I'd been eye-balling this AO for quite some time… Hope I don't let you fellas down.

