Toys Arrive with a Tabata Twist at St Mark’s

My recording is completely garbled so I am missing a PAX.  FNG 1 is Mongoose… Carpetbagger gets credit for a Co-Q as he was watching form and enuring safety

Warm O'Rama

5:30 am – wheels stowed away in the we ain't running position and the Tabata buffet is only a few yards away

  • SSH X20 IC
  • Hip Stretches X10 IC
  • Shoulder stretches (omnious foreboding)
  • Slowesy to the pre-set up workout area

The Main Thang

  • Music is set up, but YHC only anticipate 18 so a little scramble to set up 2 additional stations
  • Due to the St Mark's surrounding and the lack of a clean play list, the family channel played with a wide assortment of tunes from Aloe Blacc to Disturbed
  • Explain the exercises to the PAX and the arrows directing traffic… and :swear:
  • The exercises were:
    1. Block curl or press or curl and press – Pax choice
    2. Mountain climbers with friction sliders
    3. 25 lbs curl press
    4. WW2 
    5. 20 lbs squat and skull crusher
    6. Plank walk with resistance bands around wrists
    7. 40 lb or 50 lbs slam ball overhead slams
    8. 30 lbs open hand row
    9. Blockie Low flutter
    10. Block lawn mower
    11. 10 yard shuffle with resistance bands around knees
    12. Jumping jack with 15 lbs overhead press, i.e. the Jack Press
    13. Banded squat with resistance bands around knees
    14. 20 lbs body ball chops
    15. Straight jabs with long resitance bands looped behind back
    16. 30 lbs slam ball toss/chase/toss again
    17. Battle ropes – alternating arms
    18. Bosu burpee
    19. WW1 with 15 lbs weights
    20. Bicycle with resitance bands around knees
  • Recover and bring toys to trunk

Mary Van Halen

  • To the Tune of Panama 
    • Hold Al Gore until the word Panama is heard and then do a burpee for every time you hear the word
    • After two rounds of burpees, switch to high plank and everytime you hear Panama then do a 'Merican
  • Recover Recover

Nekked Man Moleskin

  • Strong group today – solid mumble chatter and Toxic was …well Toxix at about the 30 minute mark
  • Apparently eveyone is still in Quarantine mode and refuses to listen as we repeated directions many….many times…
  • Lots of good mumble chatter – too much to cover here and the work day awaits.   So best quotes are all I got today:
    • 'Hey – can you turn the other way' (Other person turns so ass isn't in his face 'Thanks'
    • Multiple rejoinders of 'Thats what she said'
    • 'My teenage daughter really liked this song'
    • 'You trusted me, but didn't really trust my counting' 'I trust but verified – so yeah'
    • 'You said you were going to kill the mumblechatter – good luck with this crowd'