Toys Hidden at the Beacon

Event Date

Apr 30, 2016

Ramrod needed a Q, due to a Satruday morning cartoons HC (well deserved after HTL), so i jumped in.  As usual, my trunk is full-o-toys and given the start at 7 bells, I was able to do my best Easter Bunny impression and hid toys throughout the expansive GCC property.  6 ruffians rolled into the gloom, which was extended by some cloud cover.  This is their story…


Mosey around church to back corner of lot by Hell's Ascent


15 Windmills IC


10 Cotton Pickers IC

Arm Circles


6 men and 6 toys…this worked out well.

2X rotatioions AMRAP with station 1 as the time keeper

1. Push Iron Pumpkin up Hell's Ascent, crab walk down with pumpkin pushing your 6.  Those who are familiar with both IP and HA…you know this was "fun":.

2. Battle rope slaps (choice of alternating and double slaps)

3. Heavy sloshpipe curls

4. Lunges with light sloshpipe overhead

5. 60# sandbag squats

6. 60# samdbag logger slams

Mosey to rock pile and grab a medium size rock (Springy chose XL) for…

10X overhead press IC

10X curls IC

10X bent row IC

8X overhead press IC

8X curls IC

8X bent rows IC

20X Low flutter with rock extended IC

20X Low dolly with rock extended IC

Pax rotated 1 rock clockwise for each exercise and rocks wre replaced exactly where we found them.

Bear Crawl across the whole field to pullup forrest…catch breath for sime tire work

Partner up 

Group 1: 5 tire flips while partner planks, flapjack, repeato

Group 2: Same as group 1

Group 3:  10X sledge swings on big tire while partner planks, flapjack, repeato

Since we were at pullup forest anyway…why not a mini-Murph?

4 rounds of:

10X pullups

20X mericans

30X squats

Mosey to main lot

Plank walk facing right (island to island)

Plank walk facing left (island to island)

Crab walk (island to island)

Lunge walk (island to island)

Jimmy O led us in a cool down lap around the church and back to our cars for…

MARY (all IC)

Wingman – Freddie Mercury X 20

Jimmy O – LBC X 15

Contra – Dying Cockroach X 20

Swedish Fish – Low Flutter X 10

Kachow – Reverse Crunch X 15 (let's not do that ever again..ever)

Springfield – Alternating crunches X 20

And 1 minute of low plank, because as iron sharpens iron, chewed up asphalt sharpens forearms

Recover Recover


1. Always love GCC, blender was my first post ever (yeah, I puked) so it has a special place in my heart and stomach.  Thanks, Ramrod, for the opportunity to lead.

2. This was not a Saturday morning stroll, but mumblechatter was at an all time low.  These men were here to DO WORK.

3. Good to come out of HTL orbit and see some old friends and meet some ones.  Contra, Jimmy O and Springy – always a pleasure.  Swedish Fish and Kachow, pleasure to meet you – both tough dudes.

4. Sledge Hammer was donated to the GCC arsenal for future beatdowns.