Track N Field

Event Date

Nov 09, 2019


FNG-1 is Hooper, my 2.0
15 IC Plank Jacks
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Mtn Climbers
15 IC Tony Hawks
The Rampage:
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Pick up a block, Run (or slow Mosey, I suppose) to Block Island
Timer is PAX running the track surrounding Block Island
  Meanwhile, PAX are on the field repeating 5 x each of these 5 exercises:
  – Block curls,
  – Block press,
  – Skull crushers,
x 2
Road Work (back to the AO): w/ yo block
2nd playground Pain Stations:
  Trail Run is the counter
  Stations are:
  – calf raise on the ladder,
  – hang time on the pull up bar,
  – step-ups
x 2
Psalm 39:4
Show me, LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.
– Hooper no longer thinks fingerless gloves are a good idea.
– Cheetah had a big smile when I suggested we each pick up a cold cinderblock to run w/ in 30 degree temps.
– Skipper was complaining that I only have a few exercises in my Q repertoire…he remembers training me better than that.  
Good times were had,