Track Work at Excelsior

13 Gloom Warriors showed up to Excelsior to work on their fellowship, speed, and strength.  It all went down like this.


Indian Run – 1 mile (fastest Indian Run ever)

20 IC Cotton Pickers

15 IC mountain Climbers

The Thang.

Pair up and split the track

Round 1

Partner 1 

 20 Mericans- Run (Full effort run) quarter lap and replace partner 2 

Partner 2.

AMRAP Jump Squats – Run (Full Effort Run) to Partner 1 station for Mericans

Round 2

Partner 1

20 CDD's – Run (Full Effort Run) Quarter lap and replace partner 2

Partner 2

AMRAP Jump Lunges-Run (Full Effort Run) to Partner 1 station for Mericans

Round 3

Partner 1 

 20 Mericans- Run (Full effort run) quarter lap and replace partner 2 

Partner 2.

Air Peoples Chair – Run (Full Effort Run) to Partner 1 station for Mericans

Round 4

Partner 1 

20 CDD's- Run (Full effort run) quarter lap and replace partner 2 

Partner 2.

AMRAP Jump Squats- Run (Full Effort Run) to Partner 1 station for CDD's

Round 5

Partner 1 

 20 Mericans- Run (Full effort run) quarter lap and replace partner 2 

Partner 2.

Jump Lunges (audible to Low flutters until everyone returns)


Indian Run 1 mile to finish. 


 – Thank you Turnpike for allowing to Q Excelsior.  I was going to do the standard Jim Kidd Run, but I am glad you gave me the freedom to lead a little HL into the group.

-The mummble chatter was heavy.  YHC couldnt contain the crowd,and began to shut down like millenials do.  Eventually we taught Tantrum how to talk to Millenials and everything was ok again

– Strong work by all.  We covered 3.4 miles with a lot of fast intervals included. 

-8-track you are fast…

-Skipper- It was great to put face to a name.  Glad you were able to come out to Richard Berry Park.  

-Strong work by Fenway, Minime, Tantrum and 9 lives.  It is hard to run intervals after a 10k.  Great work


