Traditional 12 Days of Christmas and lots of whining

We did a little preliminary warm up by going through all 12 days with reduced reps which totally baffled the Pax.  We departed for Monteith Park, which is a splendid neighborhood with some greenways for exploring.

This kind of added to the "over the river and through the woods" Christmas theme.

We started on the fifth day of Christmas and worked our way up to twelve.  here  are the 12 days of Christmas

1 minute plank

2 shoulder touch merkins

3 hand release merkins

4 Merkins (IC)

5 CDD (IC)

6 Peter Parkers (IC)

7 Mtn Climbers (IC)

8 SSH (IC)

9 Seal Claps (IC)

10 Apollo Onos (IC)

11 Prison Squats (IC)

12 Burpees

done in order, they actually flow quite well and I am mighty proud of the choreography.

Shaken and Kid Rock provided plenty of mumble chatter.  Ultra Man can always be counted on for keeping count with the cadence.  Omaha, I will not take you up on your challenge for at least another 3 months of training.  That dude can swim.  Good to see Mona Lisa, the cookie baker, set down his rolling pin and join us for a workout.  Great way to start a Saturday.  I appreciate you guys!!