Trail of tears push-ups, commander push-ups, Caboose pushups, toboggan pushups, etc…

Last time I Q'D DS was so much fun, i figured why not, let's do it again.  As always though, the challenge is how can we be fresh and change things up a bit while ensuring the workout is challenging, fun, and caters to everyone.

Not to mention the added pressure by @jobe to make sure DS stays as the toughest AO in the region. 

Let's go.


  • Mosey to corner of GCA building
    • Lunge halfway across parking lot in the back of the building
  • Mosey to other corner of building
    • 30 SSH IC
    • 15 Slow squat IC (hold every 5 seconds)
  • Mosey to top corner of GCA building
    • 15 Slippery dip can IC (hold every 5 seconds – alternating left and right side)
  • Mosey to side of GCA


This is where things get interesting…

  • Grab some curb
    • ?Indian Run (not PC) pushups along the curb with all PAX
      • Moving pushups from one starting point to end point
        • PAX would do moving pushups along the curb, get to end point, mosey back to starting point and complete anouther round average of about 15-20 moving pushups each round
      • Total of 5 rounds (did 3 rounds first, then moved to next exercise, came back and finished last 2 rounds)
  • Grab some wall?
    • Start off in plank position facing the wall
      • While staying in plank position touch the wall 10 times OYO (left hand, right hand 1 time)
    • Wall Sit for 20 seconds
      • Air press 15 times (some PAX decided to make this more challenging by grabbing some rocks as additional weight – tried it, definitely more challenging)

*Moving pushups done for 3 rounds, then moved to wall exercises for 2 rounds.  Came back to curb finished last 2 rounds of moving pushups, came back to wall for additional 2 rounds of wall exercises with seal clap variation instead of air press*

  • Run to launch point
  • Kettlebell workout
    • ?10 squats with KB in cadence
      • 10 squats with diamond jump OYO
    • 10 lunges with KB (10 left side, 10 right side)
      • 10 lunges IC moving KB in between legs OYO
    • 10 KB Swings IC
      • 10 side step KB swings IC OYO
    • 15 curls IC
    • 15 skull crushers IC
    • 10 Turkish Situps

Zamporini'd to other side of parking lot to setup for suicides

  • ?Suicides – borrowed this from last Q cause it was so much fun
    • ?Round 1 – Split into teams of 1 vs 2 and ran suicides in the parking lots
      • Losing team had to do 5 burpees
    • Round 2 – Split teams again of 1's and 2's and ran another round of parking lot suicides
      • Losing team had to do 5 burpees

Too tired to zamporini back with KB's so we just walked back to starting point.

MARY – 5 minute plank burnout

  • 1 minute forearm plank back and forth rock
  • 1 minute plank hip-lift (30 seconds each side)
  • 1 minute plank heel walk
  • 1 minute side plank reach (30 seconds each side)
  • 1 minute plank toe tap

Recover, Recover (thankfully!)


  • Might not do plank wall touches again – stucco felt like it might give at any time
  • If you're wanting to do a bunch of KB exercises, might be best to grab a lower weight
  • It was awesome to see Bijoux and Sonic posting together.  Always cool to see PAX and their 2.0's posting together.
  • Thank you Tubbs and Ratatouille coming from Davidson to show your support.  Hopefully that wasn't too much running for you.
  • Perrier def set the bar for all of us to continue to strive towards as the only PAX above 50 but keeping up with everyone.
  • This is Swampfox's second post since coming back from COVID and he looks like he hasnt missed a beat
  • Ramrod had the quote of the day by telling CB "Good Try" after COT
  • Firestone is a beast. I wanna look like him when i grow up.
  • Hoodie is fast.  I keep hoping one day he shows up to post with an actual Hoodie on.  Maybe when it gets cold.
  • I think Jimmy Olsen and Stray enjoyed the KB workouts the most out of everyone, lol
  • Slingshot always shows up and push himself and others around him.
  • Apparently CB didn't workout hard enough because of Ramrods comment, lol
  • Jobe was so tired after the workout that he forgot his KB, again
  • Plank Burnout had a fun run for two workouts, going to change it up next time.