Trail Run !

Event Date

Aug 31, 2019


FNG-1 is Hooper
15 IC Mtn Climbers
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Tony Hawks
The Rampage:
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
2nd playground Pain Stations (round 1):
  Trail Run ! is the counter
  Stations are:
  – Australian pull-ups,
  – Pull-ups
2nd playground Pain Stations (round 2):
  Trail Run ! is the counter
  Stations are:
  – Block curls,
  – calf raise on the ladder
2nd playground Pain Stations (round 3):
  Trail Run ! is the counter
  Stations are:
  – Skull crushers,
  – Block press
Road Work (to the clubhouse parking lot)
At the clubhouse: 10 WWI sit ups, 10 Merkins
Road Work (back to the AO):
The Rampage:
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
1 minute: WWI Sit Ups
1 minute: Jane Fondas right
1 minute: Jane Fondas left
30 seconds: Flutter Kicks, pause
30 seconds: Flutter Kicks
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Good times were had.  Good to see Anvil.  All enjoy the holiday.