Train the Trainer at Iliad

I pulled into the parking lot later than usual this morning and was surprised by the number of cars already there!  We had 15 runners this morning.  A good number of first-timers and some that had not joined Iliad in a while.  It was great to see everybody this morning!

T-Claps to Slugger, Wingman, Tweetsie and Jedi for running the Fireball loop as the standard today!  Strong work brothers!!

Warm Up:

Circle up one minute late because I was talking and not looking at my watch

SSH – 20 IC

Windmill – 10 IC

IST – 10 IC

Mountain Climbers – 15 IC

Walking Toy Soldiers down the path to the track

Power skips down th path to the track

The Thang:

Explained the Iliad concept to the new comers:  intervals of run/walk, focus on form and technique, learn from each other, ALWAYS turn around and finish with the six!

One warm up lap around the track

Decided to go off road and run the trail through the park

30 second rest after 1.5 minutes of running

30 second rest after 2.5 minutes of running

Regroup at playground

Run to Bailey Road and finish at bottom of the Half-Pipe – Rest

Run to RR track and then up the other hill to the light pole finish at bottom of Half-Pipe – Rest

Run to RR track and then up the other hill finish at the light pole – Rest

Run to soccer field – Rest

Run suicides to mid-field (does not have to be sprint, just faster than normal pace)

Line up on baseline for Indian Run aroudn soccer field – recover breath and legs while moving

Mosey to picnic shelter for Stretch


Calf stretch


Downward Dog


Hamstring stretch

Jedi-led stretch (looked painful) while Q ran to get his phone

Recover Recover


  • It is always inspiring to see men show up and put in the effort they do at Iliad!  There is wide mix of pace and experience out there but we all come together and work at getting stronger!
  • Thanks to Jedi for sharing his knowledge and pointers along the way.  This is what Iliad is about – coaching each other up and helping everyone get better
  • Riverboad, having never been to Iliad, decided to lead the group IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!  I like the initiative but don't be afraid to ask for directions!
  • Wingman tripped over some rocks – hope everything is good – did not appear to slow you down.
  • There was way too much discussion of doing Monkey-Humpers in front of all the Hough students.  You guys aren't right.
  • Share F3 with someone today!  It is an answered prayer to someone!

Jimmy O