Train Wreck

Event Date

Jan 14, 2017

I told Turnpike I would take Excelsior about a week ago.  It's not important that I didn't remember this until bedtime the night before.  What is important is that I showed up, with the most advanced Weinke of all time.  This may take a visual aid to help explain,.  

Image result for train wreckExcelsior = Running + Pain

Runninng = Running

Burpees = Pain

Here's how the Train Wreck works….

Partner up and pick a lane on the track.

Start back to back and run until you meet each other

Execute 5 burpees a piece

Turn around

Repeato Repeato Repeato Repeato….for 20 total rounds

20 X 200 yds

100 Burpees

Finished with enough time to do a lunge walk cirlcle around the playground and some assorted MARY

I don't know who started when, but I can confirm that Ramrod and Labon werre the first to cross the finish tape in the RR10k.  This is not so secretly my favorite run (Fireball a close 2nd, but doesn't have a fence to hop)  and as El Chapo pointed out, my blood is on the River Rat course.  Unfortunately, kids getting out of bed last night and extensive Weinke preparation, prevented my participation.

The complexity of this plan was confirmed, when I was asked several times on the course to explain what we were doing. Run – Burpees – Run – Burpees, etc. etc. etc. I don't know what happened to Mooch, but he disapeared somewhere around the 10th frame.  

Sleeper status acheived by Ramrod as he has snuck into a tie for the Fireball lead at 3.  Yes this was a renegade offering to boost numbers.  So balls to Turnpike, Ramrod, Tantrum, and Major Tom.

I plan to provide a laminated and color-coded Weinke to all who participated (request of Tbone), in case the plan to bring out the workout again (not recommended without detailed plan).

