Training for a Half Marathon… at Cauldron (?)

10 pax came out to the parking deck in response to a "No Running" PB to support the tapering efforts of those running the Huntersville Half Marathon the next day.  Here's how that went…


Die Hard rolled in about half way into it…  Hope his timing is better tomorrow.*poke*

It was determined that of the 10 pax, just Die Hard and Ultraman would be running the Half the next day.  Fellas, this workout is for you.

Basically, we started with the calves and worked our way up the body using the KBs.  Everything in reps of 13 with the exception of Christian McCalf-raises which of course are always done in a cadence count of 22.

We did run a few short laps around the grass just to stay warm and keep the runners' legs loose.

Then we moseyed over to the bench press room and did presses and flies x13 IC and repeato.  Ouch.

Throughout the workout, we had GnR blasting as that was the spotify playlist YHC ran to when training for and running the Half.  Seemed to please the pax and many sang along.  Amen thinks he knows the words.  He doesn't.

Pause for a few mobility moments when Patience plays.  Again, this was pleasing to the pax and especially to the runners.  Everyone SCREAMED the words to the ending ballad and some of us screamed the correct words, right Amen?

Finished strong with MWAR (Mary With A Rope)

Many good announcements were shared… But YHC is posting this BB 24 hours late so they're a distant memory. 

Believe BlackBeard has the Q at Cauldron next week, then it's off for Christmas and there will likely be a convergence somewhere for New Year's Day.  So get your fix next week.  I'm sure BlackBae will plan something uber-special.

MonaLisa has begun his baking in preparation of his annual Christmas Cookie Q at Mighty Jungle on Sat, 12/19.  This is a MUST.  Put it on your bucket list, then do it every year!  He's a masterbaker.  He masterbakes a lot so he's good at it.  He talks about masterbaking without shame or regret.  I think he's been masterbaking since a pretty young age.  The pax wonders if his wife helps him when he masterbakes – if she does would we still use the masterbake label for this? Just a thought…*sausage-party*

Huntersville Half fires off in 6 minutes from when YHC is typing this, so that's a wrap – YHC is headed out to cheer my brothers on!  Betcha no one runs better than Ultraman and Die Hard after the preparation at Cauldron the day before.

The Force is out*shocker*

