Trash Talking Browns Fan

Event Date

May 24, 2018

So what do you call a Browns fan talking trash? Sober? Drunk? Believer? Hopeful?  I don't know because I am that man. All I know is that I tossed out a challenge. I was feeling strong layed it out. Was all jacked up when 11 guys showed up to shut me up. That might be one of the things I love most about F3, guys will step up to the challenge. 

I did my best on a muggy May morning to give these guys there money's worth for showing up, not sure how I fared. 
This was a total shoot from the hip work out. I had a general idea I wanted to mix it up. I twitted lots of burpees and pull ups, we did a few. 
Warm up
– SSH – 25 single count  (ya, I know)
– CP – like 7
– Mt. Climbers – 15 ish
– Merkins – 30 about
Moved to the bells
– Curls x 20
– Squat Press x 15
– Lawn Mowers x 10 each arm
– Maybe 10 Burpees
Run to the Pull Up bars
– 10 pull ups
– 10 burpees
– Sprint/run to the next light post
– 15 Merkins
Repeat Once
Repeat Again
Run Back to the Bells..
Ok, there was more and good stuff, but I am bolting for family time. 
Thanks again to all the guys, I really appreciate you stepping up to push me. We get stronger together!
Go Browns (still win less)