Traveling Wilburys

+ FNG Will + Liberace

YHC’s last day of being 55 started with


  • SSH x 20
  • Slippery Dip Can x 12
  • Windmills x 12
  • IST x 12
  • Toy Soldier x 12


Travel to the Caboose

  • Colt 45 + extra low curl for good measure
  • Lawn Mowers x 15
  • Shoulder Presses x 15
  • Squats x 15
  • Run a lap around Veterans Park


Travel to MainStreet Coffee, back deck

  • KB Swings x 20 OYO
  • Up Right Rows x 15
  • Skull Crushers x 15
  • Run to “the street” and back
  • Line up – one pax per parking space as a statement against our local parking lot scrooge
  • Squats x 15


Travel to The Huntersville Vine trailhead (reminds me – did I tell you I was going to a concert at The Ohio State University this weekend)

  • Step-ups 15 each leg
  • Incline Merkins x 15
  • Decline Merkins x 15
  • KB Around the World x 15 OYO


Return to AO for Mary

  • Pax went around the circle leading a Mary exercise until Ponch (aka Sky Net) got a little frisky which had to be broken up with a Recover Recover



  • YHC lost control of the workout by the time we reached the Caboose (see Goat’s tweet for actual footage)
  • Mumble chatter was strong even without Frogger
  • Ponch was kind enough to share law enforcement tips 
  • UM came to workout and stayed focused even with the high degree of distractions
  • Great to see Steven Seagal (aka Frontier) in the gloom this am
  • Amen killed it even after his standard “standard”
  • Goat tried to help YHC get control, but it was too late
  • Baller confessed to having a softer bawler side
  • Blackbeard showed exceptional constraint by leaving Main Street coffee empty handed
  • Will (FNG) did not realize so many of his neighbors were in a cult
  • Speaking of coffee, Top Gun earned a free coffee but brought his own, IOU noted
  • Sack Daddy was happy Jock Strap was there for support
  • POS has the Q at The Might Oak next week, he learned what not to do at Cauldron this am
  • Liberace and Peart Plus traded notes on the trade
  • Bel Air and Hot Wax are racking up the number of workouts, ran across each multiple times this week


Thanks to The Force for the opportunity to lead, and Amen for taking us out – appreciate my F3 brothers.