Travolta teaches the Tango

Event Date

Mar 14, 2025

FNG1 is Coach Mellor.

Travolta rolled in as we were doing warm ups.  Apparently he thought we were starting a dance class as he offered to show us a few dance moves!  Motion failed by unanimous consent.

Warm Up

SSH,TS,WM,CP,SQUATS, SS,U/DOWN DOG.  To stairs for: CALF RAISES and ‘Stairway to 11’ +2 equals 91 merkins.  Finished with 135 merkins for the 5000 goal this month.

Main Thang

Mosey to corner for more merkins, around lot for dips, squats, karoke, step ups, lunge walk, high steps and pull ups.  Back to launch pad after some comments along lines of “isn’t this KB day”?  Did kb: curls to 90, curls 90 to up, full curls, chest press, SC, Trifectas, rows, dead lift, LM pulls, American Swings.  On six for: OH Extend, sit ups, hammer.   To first line in PL, plank position for KB drags +1 merkin after 4 drags till count of 5 merkins.  KBs up.


Lbcs, pretzel crunch.

Reflection: Proverbs 5:15 on fidelity.  Prayed out.  Thanks for showing!