Treble Q

7 PAX were waiting and ready for some Wednesday fun




SSH (IC) x 20

Bat Wings (IC) – Small forward x 5, small backwards x 6, OH clap x 7, big forward x 8, big backward x 9, seal clap x 10

Carolina dry docks (IC) x 10

Barisnikov squats (IC) x 10

Cheerleaders (IC) x 10

Capri lap, grab waters, then over to the tennis court side of the parking lot



*Apple Turnover*

different modes of travel to every third parking space line, do an exercise, until you reach the curb

Round 1 – bear crawl 3 lines, 1 merkin, crawl bear 3 lines, 2 merkins, crab walk 3 lines, 3 merkins, walk crab 3 lines, 4 merkins, bear crawl 3 lines, 5 merkins, crawl bear 3 lines, 6 merkins, crab walk 3 lines, 7 merkins, walk crab 3 lines, 8 merkins, bear crawl 3 lines, 9 merkins, crawl bear to curb

Round 2 – same as above but alternate travel mode with mosey, lunge, and broad jump with ascending squats replacing the merkins



similar to Dora, partner up, PAX 1 runs out to speed bump and back while PAX 2 does exercise, then flapjack

50 burpees

100 OH claps

150 merkins

200 BB sit ups…most finished up here so the PAX all agreed to finish up the 250 squats as homework

mosey back to launchpad



Bay city scissors (IC) x 10

Boat/canoe x 10

LBC’s (IC) x 15

Low dollys (IC) x 10

recover recover



-Hebrews 13 20-21

“May the God of peace,…that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will.”



-Dirt made sure we knew which Dirt he actually was with the added _ during name-o-rama

-Sonar loved Saturday so much he comes out for a mid-week post

-Thriftshop said he’d see us in July

-Crabby was still beaming from Man City’s treble 

-Clark brings the shovel flag out for National Flag day

-Sparrow’s broad jump is top notch

-Thanks for DooLittle for making the trip down and being the rabbit


Pleasure to lead and be led by you fine men
