Tree in the lake

Event Date

Apr 14, 2020

Figured I would document.

Roger and Ryan made 4

SweetC pings me out of the blue that a tree is down in our hood pong.  I do a little part time gig looking after ponds for bevers, muskrats and really any issues with the ponds.

There are three ponds in the hood.

Tree fell the morning after the tornado scare.

Ryan (cannot remember his nickname or lastname) who lives on the Garnkirk pond in back of MaCaulay Neighborhood noticed a huge tree that fell on the intake for lake overflow.

SweetC and I spoke and he noted he knew a gut with a "come along".  Helps pull heavy stuff with minimal effort.

We all meet (We need to give Roger a nickname he shoed twice) and worked through half the tree on Monday and the other half on Tuesday.

Team worked well together and kind of kept our distnace even though the shore was thin at the work site.

Good work boys – Tree removed.  Hell of a work out