Tres Amigos

Event Date

Feb 19, 2019


The tres amigos made it out to Get Some.


  1. 20 SSH IC
  2. 10 Imperial Squat Walkers IC
  3. 10 Cotton Pickers IC
  4. 10 Wind Mills IC
  5. 10 Merkins IC
  6. Hamstring Stretch, AKA down dog
  7. Thigh Stretch

The Thang:

LBH run, 10 Burpees and 10 WWI’s

Parking lot suicides: 30 seconds timed, 30 seconds high plank for rest, repeated 4 times

Foot Speed Circuit:  All timed to 30 seconds

  1. Lateral two feet hops across line
  2. Front to back hops
  3. Foot Fires, AKA fast feet
  4. Jumping Knee Ups
  5. Right leg only lateral hops
  6. Left leg only lateral hops
  7. Right leg only front to back hops
  8. Left leg only front to back hops

Playground:  2X the next two groups of exercises

  1. 10 pullups
  2. 15 dips
  3. 20 jump squats
  4. 30 Merkins


  1. 15 curls
  2. 15 skull crushers
  3. 15 overhead press
  4. 15 bent over rows


  1. 30 seconds Arm Haulers
  2. 20 situps
  3. 15 left side LBC’s
  4. 15 Right side LBC’s


Hebrews: 12:11

No Discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Discipline Equals Freedom

Thank you for the hard work gentlemen!