Tri my Shoulders

Event Date

Mar 29, 2016


Today 8 men (including Trickle) got stronger with a little tricep and shoulder burner.  


Plank Jacks 15IC

Mt Climbers 15IC


Football Drill 1 minute

Mini Quad Killer:  Hold squat for 10 seconds then 2 jump tucks, hold squat 10 seconds then 4 jump tucks………so on up to 10 jump tucks.  Not long before pain set in and form was gone.


The Grinder  (partner up, size doesn't matter)

Four stations consisting of one being bench knee-ups (timer) and the other three a variation of either a shoulder or tri-cep exercise.

Round 1:

Tri-ceps pull-downs (resistance bands lengthened or shortened for personal scalability)

Side Arm Extensions using resistance bands 

Deficit Push-ups (with hands on blocks drop chest toas close to ground as possible while concentrating on form)

Step-ups x20

Round 2:

Tri-ceps pull-downs 

Block Skull Crushers 

Deficit Push-ups 

Step-ups x20

Round 3:

Tri-cep incline pushups 

Side Arm Extensions using resistance bands 

Block Press-ups

Step-ups x20

Round 4 (lost one Pax after round 3)

Tri-ceps pull-downs 

Forward Arm Extensions using resistance bands

Block Steering Wheels (hold block straight in front of you and turn left, right, left……)

Step-ups x20

Rounds 5 (lost another Pax after round 4)

Tri-ceps pull-downs x20 (new timer)

Tri-cep incline pushups 

Deficit Push-ups 



Freddy Mercury's 15IC

Low Dolly 15IC

Low Flutter 15IC


X's & O's

Left & Right Hip Dips 10IC each side

Dr. W's 10IC


Today's reflection was pertaining to perspective, specifically how one can take an occurrence or situation and merely change their perspective and give it an entirely different outcome.  Take for instance the script below found on a Navy Seal post online (reading on mobile platform may alter formatting, read on full view):

An Antheist's View on Life (Get to the bottom to change your perspective)

I will live my life according to these beliefs

God does not exist

It is just foolish to think

that there is a God with a cosmic plan

that an all-powerful God brings redemption and healing to the pain and

suffering in the world,

is a comforting thought, how ever


is only wishful thinking

people can do as they please without eternal consequences

The idea that 

I am deserving of Hell

Because of sin

is a lie meant to make me a slave to those in power

"The more you have, the happier you will be"

our existence has no grand meaning or purpose

In a world with no God 

there is freedom to be who I want to be

But with God 

everything is fine

It is ridiculous to think 

I am lost and in need of saving

A Christian's View on Life (read bottom to top)

So how might you change your perspective today to reflect the man God created you to be?