Tri This!

Event Date

Mar 16, 2019


5 men welcomed Skipper back into the Qdom.

Dug out an old workout and tweaked it a bit to work the lower body and triceps.

10 IC Apollo OhNOs

10 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Low Country Crab Cakes

10 IC Toy Soldiers

Butt Kickers up the parking lot Mosey back

High Knees up the PL Mosey back

Karoke L/Mosey Back

Karoke R/Mosey Back

Tri This:

Partner Up.  Each set of exercises is done in rotation between partners, with the Tri Exercise performed until failure.  Once reach failure, swap the Tri exercise with the lower body exercise.  Perform 4 rotations of failure.

Round 1:

1: Diamond Merkins until failure

2: Front Lunges


Round 2:

1: Military Merkins until failure

2: Deep Jump Squats


Round 3:

1: Scorpion Merkins L/R until failure

2: Hot Toes


Round 4:

1: Block Skull Crushers

2: Bulgarian Split Squats L/R


5 IC Glute Bridge Pulse L

5 IC Glute Bridge Pulse R

10 IC Dr. Ws

15 IC Jane Fonda L

15 IC Jane Fonda R

10 IC Stationary Bikes? (Metro's name)

:30 Superman Hold

:30 American Hammers


Lent runs from 3/6 – 4/18.  It represents the time when Jesus went out to pray and fast for 40 days before beginning his work for God.  For some, it is a time to "give up" something as well.  Too often, we tend to give up things that we know we'll succeed at doing so.  We love to succeed.  But like this workout, when we repeatedly failed, I think he wants us to pick something we know we'll fail at.  Sometimes failing isn't failing.  I think he wants us to fail, so that we use our friends, family, F3 brothers etc. to help us succeed.  Pick something more challenging, something you know you'll fail at alone.


 – Good to be Q again.  A LOT of rust on the push ups.  

 – I forgot that Anvil comes to Saturdays.  The failure exercise was NOT supposed to be the leg exercise, but with his push up ability it became that way.

 – I think Shredder said 3 total words today.  But he makes them count.

 – Stealth made up for Shredder's silence.  

 – Metrodog's stationary bike exercise needs a better name.

 – Honor to lead and be led by you gentlemen.

