‘Tri-verse’ to dry ground

6 PAX braced the ‘elements’ this GLOOMy morning for a back to ‘Elementary PE Class’ themed POST.

Traverse to cover under the Barnes & Nobles overhang (walking to the bookstore/library like in Elementary School).

Warm O Roma: very slow Windmill IC X 10, Long Snapper IC X 15, chin to knee hold for 5 count, (flip flop after) runners pose hold for 5 count, flip flop.

The burner: Grab some wall for standing praying mantis 5 count, 45° praying mantis 5 count, vertical to ground dry dock 5 count, wide grip Mericans X 5, Carolina dry dock X 5 count, repeato in reverse.

Grab wall for people’s chair while raising both arms straight up overhead and push lower back against the wall holding for 5 count, into arms straight out at shoulder height for 5 count, repeato.

Round 2 of The burner ☝️.

Round 2 of people’s chair combo ☝️.

The 11 Rep Ladder – 10 Mericans to start vs 1 squat, then traverse to other exercise but decrease count of Mericans and increase count of Squats each traverse.  1st PAX done do bench dips until All PAX finish.

Standing 10 count.

Elementary School PE style (remember those belly wheel scooters with the unsafe all metal wheels) seal swims, Superman pose, ‘tri-verse’ left arm and right leg raise, flip flop 

On your 6: full crunch IC X 10, LBCs IC X 10, Freddie Mercury IC X 10

Low slow IC squats X 10, Low slow IC right leg lunges X 10, flip flop, slow up squats IC X 10, slow up right leg lunges IC X 10, flip flop.

Praying mantis IC X 10, People’s chair with air press IC X 10, right leg elevated people’s chair X 5 count hold, flip flop 

Air bender, Low flutter IC X 10

Recover, Recover 

Prayer Requests: PAX with Ms and aging Mother’s battling illnesses, 1st responders with localized flooding incidents