Tribulation Intervals

Event Date

Nov 04, 2023


2 joined forces to push each other and suffer through a block of work intended to improve VO2max…a key biological metric to running faster and longer. Typically, this means some sort hard running intervals. After all, the only way to run faster is to…run faster. Just about any sort of interval training works….sprint up hills, recover/slow run down…3 min on, 3 min off…2 min on, 1 min off…etc. So many choices. The key is multiple periods of some hard running and some recovery/really slow running; maybe tweaking things so that the intervals are shorter at the end to combat fatigue. It ain’t easy doing by yourself. Good to have a partner in crime to push each other and not cutting out the last interval or two when you are tired.

anywho…this is how it went down…

SSH, windmill, IST, mountain climber, merkin, dippy bird,

Parking Lot fun:
butt kickers, high knees, karaoke L/R, lunge walk, bear crawl/crawl bear

The Sufferin’:
– quick mosey to clubhouse and back
– run to Skipper’s
– mosey back to the stop sign
– cross over Crepe Ridge
– run to the cul-de-sac and a little back to the elbow
– mosey back to the stop sign, turn left
– mosey down near Millenial Falcon’s house
– run back/up to SV Dr
– mosey down SV Dr
– run up SV Dr all the way to stop sign
– mosey back down to Lightbulb’s house and back to intersection
– run down Chapel Creek to the cul-de-sac
– mosey back to the intersection
– turn left and speed up a bit down SV Dr
– run up SV Dr hill again to the stop sign
– mosey/limp back to the AO

Most of the runs were around 6 minute pace.
Last hill was mostly 7 minute pace…hurt so good.
The mosey’s were 10 or 11 minute pace.

* The running was tough…we pushed each other at various points.
* It was great to catch up with Shirley…when I could catch up with him running; he’s looking strong.

Matthew 24:4-8
4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains
– Pastor Jordan at Pursuit Church preached a series earlier this year called, “Christ’s Perspective on The End Game”. This scripture was one of the scriptures mentioned in the 1st sermon. It seems to be an incredibly relevant series with some of the the happenings in Israel right now.
Here are links to the 11 videos…suggest listening to at least the first 1. They are all enlightening and can help you navigate and have perspective on world events and how we should respond.

  • part1  Christ’s Perspective on The End Game
  • part2  The Great Falling Away
  • part3  The Reality of the Rapture
  • part4  The Rise of the AntiChrist
  • part5  Control of the AntiChrist
  • part6  The Undeniable Accuracy of God’s Word
  • part7  The Great Tribulation
  • part8  God’s Goodness in the Tribulation
  • part9  The Battle of Gog and Magog
  • part10  The Seven Trumpets
  • part11  The 2nd Coming of Christ

Always an honor to lead