Tribute to Chris Cornell (others who struggle) and YHC’s 2 Year Anniversary

Pax not listed above: Pacali (sp)

Great job today men!  #inspirational  This workout (really the music) was dedicated to those who have taken their owns lives, stuggle with addictions, and/or other mental illnesses.  Why you ask?  Well read below.

– SSH x – I lost count because I forgot to start counting (too into the music)
– Spider Lunge with Downward Dog (just for LawnDart)
– Chumbaburpees but not really – 30 Burpees to Soundgarden "Fell On Black Days"
Descending Curb Crawls 10, 9, 8, etc to 1
– Mericans on each side
Lap around Lot and grab an already picked out rock by YHC
Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 rest) (20 mins of straight with no break unless you consider running a lap a break)
Doing 6 exercises per set below
– Lunge switches with rock overhead x 2
– Squat Jumps x 2
– Rock Squats x 2
Run lap
– Plyo-Mericans x 2
– Row Mericans x 2
– Low hold Mericans x 2
Run lap
– Toe Touches x 2
– L Hold x 2
– Big Flutters x 2
– CDD x 2
– Shoulder Press x 2
– Rock Swings x 2
– Rock Curls x 2
– Triceps Dips one Leg x 2
– Knee Diamond Mericans x 2
Run lap
– 25 rock Swings OYO
– 20 shoulder presses OYO 
Return rocks
20 mericans OYO
Recover recover
  • When I saw Etch pull in, well I had to add the 30 burpees up front immediately so I didn't have to listen to mumblechatter after he placed himself right next to me in the circle during warmorama.  Then piled on some descending curb crawls – I think I quieted him down a little bit at least.
  • Scrappy was feeling clausterphobic today because outside of running a few laps, we stayed in one place most of the morning.  Why? Well because today was all about the music, and it's easier to listen to the suitcase box when in one place. However, Scrappy deserves every bit of what he, and the Pax, got today because his tweet to me last night was "HC.  Punch us in the mouth"  Well, I hope that's the way he and everyone felt today.
  • We did Tabata that included a total of 30 exercises in a row with a 10 second break, which feels more like 5, between each exercise.  Tabatas can be a killer….and then add in a few laps around the lot between sets, even worse.  
  • Rico's thunder thighs would need a chainsaw to chop through those tree trunks!  
  • Code Blue is a beast on the Descending Curb crawls.  What this tells me is that male nurses (him and me) are certified in curb crawling too…along with Gaylord Focker perhaps.
  • Bunyan sprinted along with Scrappy in typical fashion, Grape Ape was not far behind them either, and RamRod passed me at one point like I was standing still.  
  • Thanks to Limburger for provding me the opportunity to lead this great group today, even Swede in the brightest shirt I have ever seen at F3!  Love you like a brother Limburger!
  • So what was the music all about?
    • We paid tribute to Chris Cornell from Soundgarden, Audioslave, Temple of the Dog, etc. after taking his own life last week.  I actually did something similar when Scott Weiland from STP died in 2015.  Today I played mostly Chris Cornell tunes, but also Nirvana, STP and Pearl Jam.  As 66 pointed out, all of these singers, except for Pearl Jam have lost/taken their lives at a VERY EARLY age.  
    • So, why is this even relevant for an F3 workout.  Well, perhaps it's not to everyone but well, when you sign up to Q, well….you get to take control of the content, the music (if you play it), etc…and 10 years ago, my own father at the young age of 57 lost his life to the bottle.  While he didn't necessarily intentionally take his own life (i.e., suicide), he essentially killed himself over a longer period of time and it finally killed him in what was as close to suicide as you can get.  He, like so many of those listed above and MANY MANY others stuggle with addictions, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many other issues that are often times chalked up as "a mental illness" and not taken seriously enough.  I won't even get into the suicide rates of veterans – it's sickening, yet we POUR money into the more "tangible" diseases.
    • Well, that's why we (or I) devoted today's workout to playing a timely (or not so timely) Chris Cornell.  Many of us struggle with these "mental" issues (i'd argue we all do as we all have brains – but for some it's a real issue that faces us each and every day).  With that said, that's the beauty of F3.  There's this initiative right now to EH the hell out of people – and it's not because there's money in play, it's because there are people that struggle with life and need that sense of comradary to just make it through the day, or even the next minute for that matter.  Yes of course there are many of us who are out there "just to workout and look good at the pool or for our spouses", but regardless of the reason, everyone can use some "mental" help (some more than others) so go find that someone, extend your hand to them, and say…."come on man, amazing things can happen in your life if you follow me/us….you're life (mentally, physically, and spiritually) will change if you commit to it.

Be good – Ditka